That was the wildest part of that leak is seeing that his public and private personas are identical. I’m not sure if that’s comforting or terrifying to know
That was the wildest part of that leak is seeing that his public and private personas are identical. I’m not sure if that’s comforting or terrifying to know
Sounds like you’re vaguely describing a ground effect vehicle, basically a plane which coasts along the water. They’re more efficient than actually flying due to exploiting the ground effect on the lift surfaces, but ultimately it’s closer to a plane than a boat
If you are administrating systems it’s extremely useful to know how to work with stuff by command line, both for remote administration via SSH or Ps-session and for rapid troubleshooting/settings changes and of course for emergency recovery when everything is super broken.
Honestly I personally use a mix of both GUI, CLI and hosted admin portals (the 11 ton gorilla in the room everyone arguing over GUI vs CLI forgets about) and will shift between tools depending on what is best for the given job.
Of course if you’re just an owner-operator, see Joe Average in Anytown America with his household laptop, the GUI tools are the only thing you’ll want to use and even that might get overwhelming or scary, but Joe Average is more often than not these days going to not even own a computer and instead just use their phone. That’s the other thing many folks in these threads forget, is the home computer is a market on life support. The average “not a computer person” does not own a computer at all, they use their smartphone for literally everything
Winget install [programname]
winget search [programname]
winget upgrade --all --silent
Oh look, its also super easy in Windowsland!
Btop will also show disc and network utilization while running much lighter than glances. Personally I keep both btop and htop installed on all of my machines because I feel like htop is better for quickly killing a processes when needed
There are specifically tax deductions for taxes paid on your primary residence, so theoretically there is a higher cost to owning multiple properties, however this cost is simply too low to be much of a deterrence
All he has to do is apply sufficient political pressure upon the governor to make the pardon happen. It’s more work for a state level concern but ultimately it’s plausible if the current Republican administration is sufficiently motivated
Wait when did I stumble into a Rimworld sub?
Of course, you can never go wrong with the old faithful “one lung, one kidney, amputate both arms and legs and replace with pegs then release back to their people”
Honestly, if it’s important enough to RAID, it’s important enough to do right and run full fat ZFS.
You could also go the mdadm route with individual disks but ZFS pools are so battle-tested that whatever unholy edgecase you manage to create will almost certainly be something someone has encountered before, and it’s probably well documented somewhere how to recover from
Probably with an illegal government bailout, either in the form of an incredibly generous to Tesla purchase order or just cold hard cash
In hindsight I should have just threatened to walk out over the ESPs but meh, next time. Realistically with my current insane commute this car won’t last too long so it’ll probably only be a two or three years before I’m car shopping again
It’s kinda a win/win either republicans buy Tesla’s in droves and help accelerate the decline of oil or Musk makes Tesla untouchable by anyone from any corner of the political spectrum and the entire company collapses (which might have the added benefit of forcing more electric adoption because Tesla receives a large portion of it’s revenue through selling emissions credits to auto manufacturers that refuse to build more efficient vehicles)
Bro last time I bought a car they tried to sell me $6k worth of extended service plans…on a $12k car then we’re pushy as hell while I was saying “no I do not want extended service plans, I just want a fucking car”
I enjoy my current job but the management and benefits suck badly enough that I’ll be hopping away ASAP.
My last job paid a bit less than they ideally should have but was super chill, had amazing management and was super flexible, but their new owners laid everyone off to relocate the HQ
I’m currently negotiating with my old boss as they want to bring me back so we’ll see if I can make this all work out in my favor…
The most accurate takeaway is that the shareholders wish for Disney to continue participating in Diversity Equity and Inclusion measures.
The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend.
I believe getting fucked is in fact the intention
Whether or not he’s the hero he’s been accused of being, he’s certainly a living martyr now
SpongeBob did a episode that was a retelling of Telltale Heart even!
When I was a kid the lady who ran a daycare out of her home that I attended would play the old yeller movie for us and it was probably our favorite film. I learned later from my mom that the secret is she conveniently ends the film before the ending so it’s just a happy story about a good doggie
This is where I’m at too. If I go crazy and start installing stuff natively to experiment I end up with extra stuff auto configured that’s no longer needed and random problems I’m too lazy to figure out how to solve. Flatpak doesn’t do that and I don’t have to worry about that. I can install random stuff to play with and uninstall it cleanly. Some packages need more system access than flatpak gives natively and with those I’ll make the decision of if I want to set it up and tear it down manually or not.
Storage is cheap, my time not so much.