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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • This is where I’m at too. If I go crazy and start installing stuff natively to experiment I end up with extra stuff auto configured that’s no longer needed and random problems I’m too lazy to figure out how to solve. Flatpak doesn’t do that and I don’t have to worry about that. I can install random stuff to play with and uninstall it cleanly. Some packages need more system access than flatpak gives natively and with those I’ll make the decision of if I want to set it up and tear it down manually or not.

    Storage is cheap, my time not so much.

  • If you are administrating systems it’s extremely useful to know how to work with stuff by command line, both for remote administration via SSH or Ps-session and for rapid troubleshooting/settings changes and of course for emergency recovery when everything is super broken.

    Honestly I personally use a mix of both GUI, CLI and hosted admin portals (the 11 ton gorilla in the room everyone arguing over GUI vs CLI forgets about) and will shift between tools depending on what is best for the given job.

    Of course if you’re just an owner-operator, see Joe Average in Anytown America with his household laptop, the GUI tools are the only thing you’ll want to use and even that might get overwhelming or scary, but Joe Average is more often than not these days going to not even own a computer and instead just use their phone. That’s the other thing many folks in these threads forget, is the home computer is a market on life support. The average “not a computer person” does not own a computer at all, they use their smartphone for literally everything

  • It’s kinda a win/win either republicans buy Tesla’s in droves and help accelerate the decline of oil or Musk makes Tesla untouchable by anyone from any corner of the political spectrum and the entire company collapses (which might have the added benefit of forcing more electric adoption because Tesla receives a large portion of it’s revenue through selling emissions credits to auto manufacturers that refuse to build more efficient vehicles)