Neonicotinoids also bioaccumulate and are responsible for declining numbers of insectivore birds. This results in a viscous circle leading to the use of more Neonicotinoids.
Dusty old bones. Frog Bog, Las Vegas Poker and Blackjack, Truckin and B-17 Bomber
This is an ayyyy eye
Prices are artificially inflated due to reduced supply. Increased supply should lower cost * making homes more affordable.
Most pre-Columbian societies in the America’s were sustainable.
It can’t happen here It is happening here.
Many mentions of factoring weight in this thread, I believe should also consider size of vehicle, how much space the vehicle occupies on the road. Some combination of miles, weight and size.
For those asking how tracked, a prior trial used a device plugged into OBD port like some insurance companies use. That trial generated monthly billing for miles driven in state. Tracked not just miles driven, but also where the vehicle was driven. This is done so miles driven out of state are excluded from the road charge. Not perfect as miles driven inside national park (Federal not state maintained) were included in the billing. Hopefully that big was fixed.
I like concept but the very real privacy issues, uh, not so much
To the moon Uranus 🚀🍑