Anyone else notice this being very similar to what Putin did when he termed out?
Anyone else notice this being very similar to what Putin did when he termed out?
The brain drain has already begun in the US, and it’ll be irreversible. 75% of US scientists polled are looking to leave for better research opportunities.
Who the fuck knows. The rule of law doesn’t matter anymore.
This is likely one of the reasons to sell X to xAI. He can destroy evidence associated with this lawsuit.
This is the lens through which I see his actions, too. I have one additional twist, which is if it doesn’t benefit him personally, it needs to go. Even if it’s replaced with something 10% the value, he now owns 100% of that 10%.
Weird to cite Indian cattle eating garbage as the example since they’re revered and autonomous due to Hindu faith. That’s as they intended and has nothing to do with farming.
The national security risk was speaking while brown.
He doesn’t care. It’s grandstanding now that he tied his own hands with helping republicans pass a spending bill. It’s the reason everyone is upset with him. He had a perfect opportunity for leverage and pissed it away leading everyone to believe democrats are managed opposition and not a real party.
Aren’t there photos of RFKjr drinking methylene blue?
No, this title displaces the blame. The Trump administration bootstrapped a Greenland visit onto an invitation to a dogsled event, it got downgraded after no one wanted them there. It’s similar to Trump’s approach to dating: just force yourself onto the victim while they’re saying no.
The fuck is this infomercial garbage? Stop eating high calorie low nutrient food and go exercise. Sure it’s hard work, but you won’t need pharmaceuticals and it’ll save you money in the long run. The most expensive thing is failing health.
I’m optimistic. I scaled back flying because I can have 10 zoom meetings in the time it takes to fly across the US for one face to face meeting. People realize the efficiency, granted you can’t beat personal relationships.
There’s a bunch of studies on the days post-911 and during Covid that are quite interesting. When planes are flying there’s more CO2 and the contrails have an insulating effect on the climate and global warming leading to cooler daytimes and warmer nights.
More performative bullshit from this administration. They basically do whatever plays best on Fox News.
Christianity is about control for the powerful and bedtime stories to make you feel better about inexcusable shitty behavior for the masses.
“But her emails” is all I need to know about how biased and lopsided the media is in favor of Trump and his ongoing coup. The rich have completed regulatory capture and they’re going for democracy’s jugular.
The Big Short was the best thing to come out of that saga.
Wrong side. More likely they earned a terrorism upgrade.