Grew up in southern Idaho. Yeah that’s pretty much what I experienced growing up, too!
Wasn’t just admitting wrongness that was seen as weakness, though - honestly I came to find that most empathetic, society benefitting behaviors are spun and contorted into a weakness.
Ironic to me that, at least thru my eyes, spinning stuff like that into a “weakness” indicates to me that they’re avoiding the work they’d need to put in to be better… Which, is the real weakness here!
I think a significant portion of the problems in the US stems from a lack of willingness to work on themselves, aiming to minimize their impact on those around them (and thus themselves, through societal proxy). On the contrary, people install loud ‘mufflers’ to show they don’t give a fuck. Or leave carts outside the corral. Or scream at fast food workers, display flagrant racism, refuse to wear COVID masks - whatever.
Good ol Golden Rule really would solve it all, I think.
Ah shit last I checked this was still pretty heavy alpha – have they made some progress on this recently?? Super stoked for this to be come a thing!
I skipped straight to fulgora first! Then vulcanus, then gleba. by far gleba was a rough factory style for me to adjust to… Then I tackled aquilo 😬 Good lord, this one is rough!
Loving every minute, though. So satisfying to find better ways to build in the different environments!
Nnnooooo god is it really? I fucking despise discord but I have a couple dipshit friend groups that refuse to shift off the platform (hard to argue w/ Xbox integration)… Jfc if that shit goes public its downhill from an already downhill slope 😭 horrendous
True! But depending on the obscurity of the app it can be hard to find non-malware versions of such modded apps.
Scan your sus APKs, folks! Its fast and free – does a pretty good job 🙂 I’ve caught a coupla apk Trojans there in the past!