Chance favors the prepared mind.
~ Louis Pasteur
Thank you for the detail.
Some additional context from Snopes as to why this is so important in Oregon especially:
Conner O’Shea told journalists he started running when he saw mysterious, armed people wearing camouflage body armor jump out of an unmarked van as he was walking home from a protest in downtown Portland, Oregon, on July 15, 2020.
But his friend, Mark Pettibone, 29, was unable to escape the group of people in military fatigues that was later identified as a team of federal law enforcement agents operating under a plan by U.S. President Donald Trump to quell demonstrations against police brutality and racism in cities nationwide.
According to Pettibone’s account of the incident — which was later publicized widely in news outlets ranging from The New York Times to Fox News — the officers tossed him into the van and took him to a federal courthouse. There, he said, they held him in a cell for about 90 minutes without explaining for what crimes he was suspected, nor identifying themselves as law enforcement personnel.
His alleged experience, as well as reports of viral videos purportedly depicting similar actions on behalf of federal agents in Portland (which we explain below), outraged critics of the Trump administration in July 2020 — including Oregon and Portland officials who said the federal officers and their militarized tactics were not welcome in Portland and violated the rights of citizens.
Personal reports from a friend of mine on the front lines in Portland corroborate this tactic - the group she was with was followed home by one of the vans described above.
Her mugshot (she had been in the system before) then appeared in a line-up banner of “Antifa Criminals” that started circulating around right-wing websites. As she’s trans, she ended up having to move and go underground because of the death threats.
If you’re in any way part of a population that Trump is targeting, be ready to defend yourself. Remember that once you’re in the system, not only will the cops have your data, but it will be leaked to the alt-right thugs willing to do the dirty work the cops won’t.
I will get high with you, and then turn you into the cops when you can’t pay rent.
As I suspected, language has evolved to the point where Ohio is considered a synonym for toilet.
Some political context from The Dictator’s Toolkit:
Independent judges are a nightmare for would-be dictators. They have the immense power to overturn the abusive actions of creeping authoritarian regimes by acquitting dissidents of bogus charges, holding regime officials accountable, or upholding free and fair elections.
Because of judges’ essential checking power, authoritarian regimes across the globe regularly attack them. At times, they do this very overtly, like, for instance, arbitrarily sacking thousands and arresting hundreds of judges, as in the case of Turkey after the failed 2016 coup attempt. Yet, more often than not, creeping authoritarian regimes use measures disguised as legitimate or reasonable that intimidate and harass judges or otherwise obstruct their work.
These disguised judicial attacks are particularly popular among “hybrid authoritarian” regimes. These are regimes that democracy and freedom indexes like V-Dem, the Economist, and Freedom House recognize have some elements of authoritarianism but are not fully authoritarian yet — largely because the elections that got them into or maintained in office were “competitive” enough that classifying them as authoritarian was inadequate. Thus, these hybrid authoritarian regimes, such as Hungary, Bolivia, Kenya, or India, benefit from the disguise of this “democratic” legitimacy.
I have two multi-racial disabled family members I care for. Even if I could leave the country, they couldn’t - very few nations allow the disabled to immigrate.
I’m here till the fight is done.
It directly led to the creation of the Conservation Corps which Roosevelt used to offer jobs to all of the affected veterans, and pulled the country out of the Depression. It was also a big reason Hoover’s presidency was defeated.
In essence, it made America strong enough to weather WWII and decisively end it when the other Allies were tapped out. That’s a change worth fighting for.
deleted by creator
It’s a fucking travesty what this country, and particularly this administration, has done to veterans.
But it’s damn good to see them waking up out of the Fox News bubble and starting to fight back.
Why? Because it was when the veterans began to fight back against Hoover, that the real impetus behind the Conservation Corps and the subsequent New Deal started, and real progressive change began in America.
Here’s your daily dose of Historical Context, the Bonus Army of 1932:
The Bonus Army was a group of 43,000 demonstrators – 17,000 veterans of U.S. involvement in World War I, their families, and affiliated groups – who gathered in Washington, D.C., in mid-1932 to demand early cash redemption of their service bonus certificates. Organizers called the demonstrators the Bonus Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.), to echo the name of World War I’s American Expeditionary Forces, while the media referred to them as the “Bonus Army” or “Bonus Marchers”. The demonstrators were led by Walter W. Waters, a former sergeant.
Many of the war veterans had been out of work since the beginning of the Great Depression. The World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 had awarded them bonuses in the form of certificates they could not redeem until 1945. Each certificate, issued to a qualified veteran soldier, bore a face value equal to the soldier’s promised payment with compound interest. The principal demand of the Bonus Army was the immediate cash payment of their certificates.
On July 28, 1932, U.S. Attorney General William D. Mitchell ordered the veterans removed from all government property. Washington police met with resistance, shot at the protestors, and two veterans were wounded and later died. President Herbert Hoover then ordered the U.S. Army to clear the marchers’ campsite. Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur commanded a contingent of infantry and cavalry, supported by six tanks. The Bonus Army marchers with their wives and children were driven out, and their shelters and belongings burned.
A second, smaller Bonus March in 1933 at the start of the Roosevelt administration was defused in May with an offer of jobs with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) at Fort Hunt, Virginia, which most of the group accepted. Those who chose not to work for the CCC by the May 22 deadline were given transportation home. In 1936, Congress overrode President Roosevelt’s veto and paid the veterans their bonus nine years early.
When veterans get mad and organize, real change can happen. They’re the political group that has the most potential to affect real revolutionary change - they’ve received the military training, they know how to organize, and if need be, they know how to defend themselves.
Get mad. Get angry. Get on the streets and join us to take this country back. Stop letting the GOP fuck you.
Minor note: this is repost of my previous comment on another thread just because I think it’s appropriate here, and I believe that the best way to beat the Nazi / oligarch / GOP playbook is to understand what beat it before. Plus it’s a pain to type it all out again.
Fear not the mass of noodles, nor thine anxiety over the mountains of starch thy must consume, my son.
Tomorrow it will all be pasta tense.
Denver yesterday - 34,000 people:
March 25th: Tempe, AZ - 11,300 people
Feb 18th: Nationwide Presidents Day Protest - multiple locations
Feb 5th: First 50501 Protest - all 50 capitals
There wasn’t a unified protest movement at the beginning of Trump’s first term. It wasn’t until BLM started gaining traction that we started seeing real action on the streets. This time around, despite the total lack of leadership from the DNC, there were boots on the ground from day one.
It’s important to note that unlike Trump’s first term, the mass media now has a vested interest in not reporting the scale and size of the unrest, so they’re tamping down coverage wherever they can, and actively manufacturing consent by minimizing the impact of the protests.
It’s like watching a blind monkey try to write with
an eraserits own shit.
So, who’s gonna tell Lutnick that voter turnout for those age 65 and above is 75%+?
And it’s not like old folks like to complain about things just for the fuck of it, right?
Lutnick and Trump are going to discover why they call Social Security the third rail of American politics.
My pleasure!
Here’s some additional context of this same political tactic and dynamic occurring in Iraq - the 1979 Ba’ath Party Purge:
The 1979 Ba’ath Party Purge (Arabic: تطهير حزب البعث), also called the Comrades Massacre (Arabic: مجزرة الرفاق), was a public purge of the Iraqi Ba’ath Party orchestrated on 22 July 1979 by then-president Saddam Hussein six days after his arrival to the presidency of the Iraqi Republic on 16 July 1979.
Six days after the resignation of President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr and Hussein’s accession to President of the Iraqi Republic, Regional Secretary of the party, and Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council on July 16, 1979, he organized a Ba’ath conference on July 22 in Al-Khuld Hall in Baghdad to carry out a campaign of arrests and executions that included Ba’athist comrades, who were accused of taking part in a pro-Syrian plot to overthrow Saddam.
The list included most of the comrades who opposed Saddam Hussein’s rise to power after Al-Bakr, and among these was the former president’s secretary, Muhyi Abdul-Hussein Mashhadi. Names of people were announced and they were taken outside the hall and into custody; 21 of them were later executed. Ba’athist propaganda at the time showed that they were convicted of conspiracy and high treason to the party. Iraq subsequently cut off diplomatic relations with its fellow Ba’athist regime in Syria, accusing Hafez al-Assad of organizing the plot.
i was actually somewhat worried this sort of thing was going to happen at the last State of the Union, and was somewhat relieved when Al Green made it out unscathed (props to the king for speaking truth to power).
The main reason I post this example is to prove that hey, it’s not just Nazis, or Germany, or now sadly the US. Even though this administration is running the Nazi playbook, it’s important to note that this sort of thing happens all over the world, in many countries. What we haven’t seen since WWII is the dictatorships unifying and actively working to overthrow democratic governments.
We’re all at war with this cabal, these tactics and these policies - not because we want to be, but because they want to actively enslave, exploit, and exterminate us. The US is just the latest casualty.
This is a perfect album cover for Marcy Playground