I didn’t say that at all. Just because someone isn’t a Republican doesnt make them a Democrat, and just because someone isn’t a Democrat doesnt make them a Republican.
Independents are a bigger demographic segment that Republicans or Democrats, and MANY independents, and many Dems, were against the Patriot Act. It would be nearly impossible to find a Republican who was against it.
Also, there is a big difference between the behavior of craven politicians of any party, and the citizens. Cowardly Democratic politicians voted for the Patriot Act because they were much more afraid of the backlash from terrified citizens in the wake of 9/11, than thinking Americans who could see that this bill was just a disguised Civil Rights grab.
But make no mistake, there were many people who thought the Patriot Act was a VERY bad idea, but NONE of them were Republicans.
Keep it up. In a year, Tesla will be on the verge of bankruptct, and will get a massive government bailout. It wont help, and the slide will continue. Within two years, it will go out of business.
Somewhere in there, the shareholders will file a class-action lawsuit against Skum, for recklessly destroying image of the company, and tanking the stock price. They will also sue the board of directors for now removing or reigning in Skum.