US state not Caucasian country
US state not Caucasian country
Ohio, it’s hard to see it’s cool shape when it’s at rest
Move it to between Saturday and Sunday that way it will be a weekend day when it becomes policy
For a better surrealist pick basically any other surrealist. I like Claude Cahun for their photographic surrealism that fucked with gender in ways that feel relevant to this day. They also did meaningful resistance to nazi occupation.
That tracks. Juries think of “serious crimes” as needing conviction more not less
I thought their motto was live free or die, not live free and die
And it was the goal of 9/11
Of course nh doesn’t have seatbelt laws lol
Exactly, they ask why they should have to contribute to letting disabled people not have to work. I ask why people too disabled to work should have to beg for sustainance or live in poverty
Hey, you got this. Meatlessness is a difficult switch but once you get recipes and habits built up it gets easier. At this point meat doesn’t smell like food to me and while there are things I miss, it’s not like I worried it would be when I started
Yeah I remember when libertarians were “I want a good old fashioned mom and mom Marijuana farm where they defend it with machine guns if they so choose”. And back then my beef with them was climate change requires everyone to work in tandem and is an existential threat. These days, libertarians are Republicans who know to be ashamed to call themselves that
I assume those people don’t like their state being called misery
Yes and one of America’s main things we’re protesting against wrt Israel is that we’re funding their crimes against humanity
I’ll take their money. Ain’t gonna implement Red flavored capitalism and none of this mono party bullshit. But I can take their money as I advocate for what I want
They’ve seized power from their party’s centrists and converted huge chunks of them haven’t they?
Ya ain’t wrong, but every accelerationist has come to that conclusion
States seizing control of cities is something horrifying and should be seen as a means of repression
Probably should stop providing them the means to abuse human rights
Wonderful! And savor that weird feeling, it’s adventure and you might just get hooked on it
It may not be quite alcoholism, but it’s definitely a drinking problem. I’ve been there, had to pull myself back, take a break from the booze and reestablish a healthy relationship with it.
Remember, if you’re still drinking when you aren’t having fun it’s time fo stop for some time. And if you can’t find that balance it’s better to put it away for good.
But noticing and changing it early can be the difference between a long and drawn out battle with addiction and a significantly less difficult readjustment