Yep, in fact the first known person to describe themselves as libertarian was anarcho-communist Joseph Déjacque[1]. It was only around the 1940s in the US where it turned into a term meaning liberal.
As a trivia note, there’s a socialist caucus in the US Libertarian Party, at least when I checked a few years ago. Quote from Vermin Supreme in 2020, who takes influence from Peter Kropotkin and Situationism among others:
[The US Libertarian Party] has a spectrum. It has a left and right spectrum going on there. I’m talking to older lefties. It’s like, “You do know they have a Libertarian Socialist Caucus. Did you know that?”. Add they’re like, “Really?”. That simple fact that the Libertarian Party has a Libertarian Socialist Caucus, just that alone tends to make people really have to reconsider what they think that the Libertarian Party is. My own campaign is causing people to take a second look at it. I’ve got a fair amount of political goodwill and capital, and certainly I’ve taken some hits for my involvement with the Libertarian Party, but I have found so many beautiful people and they are quite receptive to the concept of mutual aid.
I do not endorse or justify that party as a whole, again, this is a trivia note.
Good idea. I have seen some instances using mod-privileged bots for automating some tasks, like making weekly posts in communities, but I don’t think I’ve seen an auto-moderation bot yet.
I personally think having pre-filled ban reasons is a great moderation tool which would be useful for Lemmy.