Well as an American witnessing the decline from within, I’d say you are fairly perceptive for an outsider. You’ve identified some of the biggest obstacles we’re facing. The attitudes of the boomers, who simply will not relinquish their grip on power (US Congress is the oldest legislative body in the world), have been devastating for our future. This has surely been shaped by unfettered greed and unbridled avarice brought on by capitalism.
The main point I was making is that the Dems have truly revealed themselves to be controlled opposition. They campaigned so hard with scare tactics of “Trump bad” and “end of democracy.” And now their strategy is to do nothing?! It’s beyond pathetic - it is a betrayal. So many Americans thought Dems were fighting for them all these years, but the insidiousness of the neoliberal machine ensured the only ones to gain since the 1970s had been the ultra wealthy and corporations. The wealth disparity in our country is honestly startling to witness firsthand.
This is why we need a real populist party to rise up and actually fight for the people. I have full confidence that if this happens, the tides will turn within a very short timespan. We are perhaps witnessing the beginnings of such a phenomenon, with Bernie Sanders and AOC’s fight oligarchs tour, but I’m afraid they will simply default to trying to convert the democrats into a useful party instead of building a new one. That path will be mired in obstacles and betrayal, and will ultimately fail. It simply has to be a new party in order to succeed.
I like this comment, and your optimism. You’re right about atomization of the individual, that’s how they keep us ineffectual. Seek out the similars and organize to take action!