• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Mostly because there are many different roles that apply to “front line troops.” The traits that work great for running ammo boxes all day are different from the traits to carry a 200 pound dude a few hundred feet. The traits to shoot accurately are different from the traits to assemble and deploy explosives. The traits to drive a tank are different from the traits to work the comms.

    More importantly, though, is that this isn’t JUST choosing one set of standards. This will absolutely be “choosing one set of standards with very high bars in certain categories.” There are things women just do not do as well as men, and we all know those will be areas that are emphasized and with difficult to reach goals. There are things women do better than men, and we all know those areas will be de-emphasized with very easy to reach goals.

  • Hey Mitch, remember when you got angry with Obama for telling you your bill was really bad, then you passed the bill anyway, then you got mad when Obama vetoed the bill, then you overrode the veto, then you saw the horrible repercussions of your stupid bill, then you got very angry with Obama for not vetoing your bill hard enough?

    This is like that. You are seeing the repercussions of all the stupid shit you did, even when people told you it was stupid. So you don’t get to act like it is anyone else’s fault but your own for all the stupid shit you did.

  • The Attorney General shall likewise prioritize enforcement of 31 U.S.C. 1352, which prohibits lobbying by organizations or entities that have received any Federal funds.

    This is a WILD interpretation of 31 U.S.C. 1352 by whomever wrote this report. 31 U.S.C. 1352 is about using federal funds to influence contracting, not lobbying.

    Here is the text: (1) None of the funds appropriated by any Act may be expended by the recipient of a Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any Federal action described in paragraph (2) of this subsection.

    (2) The prohibition in paragraph (1) of this subsection applies with respect to the following Federal actions:

    (A) The awarding of any Federal contract.

    (B) The making of any Federal grant.

    © The making of any Federal loan.

    (D) The entering into of any cooperative agreement.

    (E) The extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

  • Maybe you didn’t read the reply properly, because the person you are replying was never trying to be defensive like you are. They were never being insulting like you are. They were never being willful like you are. They were never being condescending… like you DEFINITELY are. It’s almost like you projected all of the traits of yourself onto their post. I wonder who that sounds like…

    The reply was never trying to refute the statistics or the study. It was only saying they guessed that in the future the percentages will shift in a different direction and said why they thought that might happen. Yes, there might have been more narcissistic boomers in their 20s than narcissistic 20 year olds right now, but a certain percentage of boomers “aged out” of being narcissistic. If a much lower percentage of 20 year olds age out of it, then the ratio MIGHT tilt towards the younger generation if the gap is big enough. It’s just a thought experiment. It isn’t refuting anything or defending anything.

  • They didn’t write up a counter point. They said they are guessing that in the future the ratio will move in another direction. They then said why they are guessing that might happen. They never in any way tried to refute the statistics or facts or anything the other person said.

    The person who posted the statistics then misread the reply and put out an overly long, overly defensive, and insulting reply… talking about how being overly defensive and insulting is a boomer trait. The irony is delicious.

  • Who cares now? It’s only 2.5 months in, and so much PERMANENT damage has already been done. Nobody will ever trust the US again. The only time his approval ratings will matter is if he tries to declare himself President or push through allowing him to run for a 3rd term.

    His ratings could be 0% with every demographic, and the Republicans MIGHT vote to impeach him… maybe. And maybe his ratings might matter a little in TWO YEARS during mid-term elections. But that is two more years of him looting and pillaging and destroying the country.