He was a Democrat for a long time before switching sides. He doesn’t care about ANYTHING other than himself and maaaaaaybe hurting brown people. Taking care of other rich people serves him. Taking care of Christians serves him, because he knows they can get him reelected. Lowering taxes serves him, and he doesn’t care who it hurts.
The only thing he has been consistent about, even when he was a Democrat, is hurting brown people. Everything else is an act to get people to do things that help him.
Mostly because there are many different roles that apply to “front line troops.” The traits that work great for running ammo boxes all day are different from the traits to carry a 200 pound dude a few hundred feet. The traits to shoot accurately are different from the traits to assemble and deploy explosives. The traits to drive a tank are different from the traits to work the comms.
More importantly, though, is that this isn’t JUST choosing one set of standards. This will absolutely be “choosing one set of standards with very high bars in certain categories.” There are things women just do not do as well as men, and we all know those will be areas that are emphasized and with difficult to reach goals. There are things women do better than men, and we all know those areas will be de-emphasized with very easy to reach goals.