You missed an entire generation there. Though I’m not entirely sure if I should be offended.
Just a guy wandering aimlessly through this world.
Pronouns: he/him/his
You missed an entire generation there. Though I’m not entirely sure if I should be offended.
We are far beyond elections saving us. Trump’s threat of dictatorship not withstanding, we’ve got a stacked court system ready to rule in Republican favor, and Republicans have gerrymandered their way to victory where they would have otherwise lost.
No amount of voting is going to fix this mess.
Gaia is the OG MILF. 🤤
Agreed. First comes education. Then comes ownership. When my kids are old enough, I’m going to get them firearm classes so they at least know how it all works.
FWIW, I’m not telling anyone to buy a gun. I simply feel that people should continue to have that choice.
If only people felt as fervent about the other amendments.
Maybe. But, and hear me out, we do not want to make it easy for them when they inevitably come for us.
I agree with all except not owning a gun. I’m not a 2A’er, but legal and responsible gun ownership is one of our constitutional rights. The problems we have with guns right now fall directly into gun control territory, which is listed right below owning a gun on this list.
For Twitter. Off the charts very cool.
I feel like Porn Historian and Anime Tiddies Expert can be merged into one overarching field.
Cut your hair with kitchen scissors , or if you have a 5-year-old let them do it. No one will notice the welt anymore.
I mean, he really does pull off the guyliner.
I’m all for gassing billionaires.
Maybe I misunderstood what she said, but my take is that they each got a day to themselves; one-on-one. The rest of the time was for everybody like a normal day.
Apple seeds contain cyanide, and are easy to get in quantity without raising suspicion. How long does it take? No idea.
There is a guy named Jefferson Fisher on Instagram (I know, Meta bad, but hear me out first) who is a lawyer who also doubles as a teacher on how to handle various stressful conversations. If you’re into this sort of thing, he also has his own podcast.
Hate to say it, but good. We need to hit the tipping point and soon.
Fun fact: he named all five of his sons George Edward Foreman.
I tell people, 'If you’re going to get hit as many times as I’ve been hit by Mohammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, Evander Holyfield, you’re not going to remember many names.’
RIP man. You’ve earned it.
Edit: one more quote ❤️
“He has 10 kids, but growing up he made sure that we all had our special time,” Georgetta told CBN of her dad. "There was even a time when we all had our own days. There was a Georgetta day, or George the second day, or whatever. And he took that time out to make sure that that day you had whatever you wanted to eat, whatever you wanted to do and he took out time to get to know who we were and who we are now.”
Damn, that is awesome!
I mean just ask Clarence Thomas. From what I’ve gleaned, he hasn’t paid for shit in years.