i’ll always eat that part unless i’m extremely full
surprisingly, festnt is short for fest not, not fes tnt
so please dont call me fes please please please
i’ll always eat that part unless i’m extremely full
you meant to say incredible instead of inedible, since it’s the best part of the pizza, with the best taste
oh no no no
it’s the x button on the top right of the window
the only ones i know how to install are vista and 8. sorry
or something with plasma
indeed, i could
how i’d do it:
nope, and nobody knows why
woah what
it’s not even the brain that does it, it’s the color receptors getting tired because of the bright colors and when you look at something white it seems less red, and thus blue
maybe your monitor isn’t very bright, or maybe because of the yellow it lets the color receptors rest for long enough to keep working properly
plus it’s literally unused screen space
put this image on a big monitor and stare at it for 30 seconds, then look anywhere else
opaque is not transparent and has no blur
transparent+blur has transparency and no blur
hope i helped
yeah. actualy is there anything in gimp you can’t do in krita?
i have the same question
exactly, bread is vrry eddble by itsssself