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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I’m neither American nor Canadian , but I just wanted to offer up that the worry I think comes with age. When I was 9 the Berlin wall came down. Before that, there was a constant spectre of nuclear war hanging over the world thanks to the cold war. Our parents lived through those times presumably worrying while I as a child was blissfully unaware of what the cold war really meant. When I was 11 the gulf war started. Again I knew about it, but I didn’t really understand what terrorism was or what was happening in Iraq. Then in 2003 gulf War 2. I was a little more tuned in to politics by now, so I was a little more concerned about it but it was still something happening far away. By the time Russians invaded Ukraine in 2022 I had a daughter. This time although it was a far away war, I was glued to updates, scared for the future of my daughter (and myself). I wonder if back when the cold war was going on if our parents were similarly worrying and freaking out when we weren’t looking.

    I dont want to downplay the threat, but people have had the exact same thoughts and feelings we are having before and on those occasions it worked out, ok. Not for everyone of course but for the western world. That gives me faith that even though there are bad people doing bad things, humanity on the whole is good. Maybe there are peaks and troughs along the way, and maybe we are going through a trough right now, but I am hopeful that a self correction is coming that will start us climbing back up to a peak.

  • I mean, she has a hugely important job. Leaking details of an attack plan is as bad as it gets but if she can’t remember details like this a mere two weeks later, she isn’t for for the job either.

    How can she make operational decisions if her memory only goes back less than two weeks???

    In the normal world everyone on that chat would be fired but we are in Trump world now so everyone just shrugs.

    Nixon would never have stepped down if watergate happened in today’s world.