If you can’t see the difference between protesting in a way that actually hinders fascists, vs making a hitlist of people who fell for positive marketing, then I just can’t help you.
If you care about being consistent, you should probably smash your computer right now since you used Google, and Google CEOs are on the Trump train too.
I can honestly say I don’t research the political affiliations and actions of every CEO of every product I purchase.
The article doesn’t say if it’s targeting recent Tesla buyers or all owners.
Most current Tesla owners are not MAGAs and bought when they were marketed as a green vehicle.
Thanks for the explanation. I’m always learning here.
These are normal reactions that a lot of people experience. It’s not easy to put yourself out there.
I think it’s healthy to spend time finding your “tribe” and putting as much effort into that as you put into interpersonal relationships. Find something to be your third place away from home and work/school.
Does DDG really generate its own searches? I was under the impression that it uses the Bing API. Maybe that’s outdated or only applies to certain types of search?
Or specifically the parts of government that reside there. I see it especially used when there may be dissent in other parts of government.
It’s the largest pump and dump scheme in history and it’s being done in the open.
The idea that many people will die in Tesla Autopilot accidents and the media won’t mention it is laughable.
I hope that no one will die, but if they do, the media will be all over it. It’s way too high profile. He might be able to bury the statistics, since those are mostly under the control of the federal government.
In my 20s I worked a lot of different jobs in a lot of different industries and learned something from each one. There is nothing wrong with making a living until you can make a career.
I know this goes without saying, and applies to many Trump actions, but people will die because of this.
People will die.
Brilliant pun on “filter” btw 😂
The hero we need