Um, good? Security clearance should probably revoked for everyone not in an active role that requires it.
Um, good? Security clearance should probably revoked for everyone not in an active role that requires it.
I’m unclear why she needs a security clearance in order to be interviewed about things she remembers from her time in office
Until they’re willing to take off the gloves and directly and publicly attack corrupt Democrats, this is just noise. I’m done voting for Democrats. We need a new party.
Except that was the whole idea with the Justice Democrats, that got AOC elected in the first place. Remember when she protested outside of Pelosi’s office? Seen any of that lately? Remember when she cried on the House floor? That strategy hasn’t worked. As soon as AOC got in, she got eaten by the party. I think advocates of the “take over the Dem party” strategy underestimate the enormous institutional pressure party members come under when they enter that bubble.
Unfortunately this just isn’t true. It’s not the consultant class that made AOC cry on the floor of the House for not wanting to fund Israel’s iron dome, it was Nancy Pelosi. The whole infrastructure is corrupt with wall street money. It wasn’t the consultant class that disciplined each every squad member into toeing the party line, not coming out guns blazing for progressive candidates and calling for primaries against corporate Dems, it’s the party leadership.
It would be funny if websites started using Elon’s fat or bald pictures for articles