I like the idea of a split keyboard, but looking up against the getting used to it. Did it take you long and do you still type as fast on regular keyboards or did you ‘unlearn’ that?
I like the idea of a split keyboard, but looking up against the getting used to it. Did it take you long and do you still type as fast on regular keyboards or did you ‘unlearn’ that?
It really is becoming an orange Gestapo. Quick fact, Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) is an abbreviation for Secret State Police. Secstapo doesn’t sound as good tho.
Also, I recently came across this list. Might be useful for the American freedom fighters.
Twenty Lessons for Fighting Tyranny https://www.carnegie.org/our-work/article/twenty-lessons-fighting-tyranny/
I am really hoping this will mark the end of the EU shifting right. We’re much better off in the center.
Well at least this one speaks out, we should appreciate it while it still happens.
I really hope the blue states will be able to protect and shelter at least a part of all the people being persucated. Nice to see this governer giving a good example
Please not another thing to worry about, there is so much going on already.
I really want to believe you
Where can I get this?
I just posted this link on another comment but the content validates me being considered a spammer imho
Eat Beans, Not Beings—10 Reasons to Stock Up on This Superfood https://www.peta2.com/lifestyle/beans/
There is definitely less chickens being killed per gram of protein of egg compared to meat so I don’t want to attack you, but there are a lot of chickens being killed because of how the industry is organised. I googled this for you:
"Typically, layer hens are killed after about a year of laying due to a decrease in their productivity. Because these hens are raised as a group with other birds of the same age, productivity can be evaluated on a group basis and not based on the individual bird. For this reason, even if an individual bird is still producing well they may still be culled simply because their cohort of hens has dropped in productivity.
… there are two different kinds of chickens: those raised for their meat and those raised to produce eggs. In chickens raised for meat, also known as “broiler” chickens, there is no differentiation based on sex, as these chickens are not generally allowed to live long enough to produce eggs. When it comes to birds raised for laying eggs, male chicks are unable to lay eggs, so serve no purpose in the industrial system that has produced them. Male chicks are routinely killed before they can grow to be more than a few days old." (https://www.farmforward.com/issues/animal-welfare/chick-culling/)
If you’d like to take less life’s, consider adding beans to your diet.
Here is another article: Eat Beans, Not Beings—10 Reasons to Stock Up on This Superfood https://www.peta2.com/lifestyle/beans/
True. Probably the sentiment is based on real feelings of real people, but I see this easily could be used to by a foreign power to further push the divide. There’s reason to look out for that.
There might be a big difference in how Canadian government deals with this and how western-european governments do. Sounds like far-right is hijacking the subject, where as here the far-right used to be pro-trump and pro-putin and now have to stay quiet in order to keep their voters from walking away.
Our government is being realistic (If you ask me) about changes in defense, but only the opposition is questioning things like the government being dependent on American cloud services and American financial systems. Nobody in the government seems serious about supporting EU initiatives over the status quo. That’s why I’m ‘happy’ these at least these warnings/updates are being released.
I read something like the travel (or air movements?) between us and Canada decreased 70%, so issueing some kind of warning/update wouldn’t make much sense anymore anyways
I agree with you on the not going along with russian bots and giving space to their propaganda. I’m not pointing to wether you should be concerned of what is happening within the United states, but about what is happening between the us and it’s allies. This split is not caused by russian bots online, but by the current us government. I agree Russia is likely involved, but the answer in not staying quiet. You can call this echoing anti-American propaganda, but dismissing it as such makes you vulnerable to tolerating this split happening as opposed to moving against it.
There hasn’t been much press freedom in Turkey for years now, so it’s not like yesterday was better time to be alive or smth
I didn’t reply to you because of how evil the USA is or isn’t but because I wanted to stress to you how big the change is that is happening. I assume you’re American and dislike anti-American opinions, I’m fine with that. I also don’t like it when people don’t like my country or my people. This is not personal, I’m not anti you. But I do think you are wrong that these travel updates are just a social media hype. The friendship between US and other western countries is under severe pressure, that is not just an opinion.
These warnings are what ministries of foreign affairs (= government officials) give out to their citizens. Newsweek is neither based in Norway nor written in Norwegian (it’s US-based), so saying it looks like something based on this single source isn’t adding much weight to your argument.
Extra context from the second paragraph: “President Donald Trump’s latest attack on the working class was delivered in the form of an executive order late Thursday that seeks to strip the collective bargaining rights from hundreds of thousands of federal government workers, a move that labor rights advocates said is not only unlawful but once again exposes Trump’s deep antagonism toward working people and their families.”