Nobody will respond to a list. Too much. One at a time is better. Helps with focus.
Mind the shavings
Nobody will respond to a list. Too much. One at a time is better. Helps with focus.
The energy is good, the aim is shit.
Having complete morons in charge does confer particular tactical advantages.
I’ll take it just one miniscule, slight iota further and say they should all go fuck themselves.
But that’s just what I think.
They do, and it’ll get ugly when they try to stop it.
Whatever gets everybody the closest to no violence, including systemic, is best.
The reason Bernie, at least, joined with the Democrats is because he’s smart and knows that first past the post is shit and, for now, a massive problem.
This moment might be a good time to gun for just toppling the limp-dick Democratic leadership, though. Just might work. There’s a shit-ton of untapped energy.
In a red hat.
Every single individual one of them has a name and is individually responsible for what they are doing.
That won’t stop people trying to stop them, only get rid of the options that tge companies themselves would prefer.
But anybody stupid enough to do what they’re doing is unlikely to do a 180. But maybe something can still get them to be reasonable. I hope so, because all the alternatives suck.
Wells Fargo are thieves who steal from their customers. If you use them, you’re about 15 years delayed in getting out. Security issue.
Ever the littlest bitch.
…so, never put things in the terminal?
Everybody has reason to be worried. Absolutely everybody.
Some far, far, far more than others, which is important and should not be under-emphasized.
But “straight white people will be fine”? Fuck no.
Like taking a bath in a rash.
You’re the worst. But you did good, kid. You did good.
If you ever needed a definition of evil, it would be this.