Today’s Hitler only eats at McDonalds.
Today’s Hitler only eats at McDonalds.
Still think @Buffalox makes a decent point. You never know there could be some cowboy out there, sees a woman getting dragged into a van by masked men, and starts popping off rounds.
I only accept signal invites from guys named Big Balls.
Getting high on your own farts is also a 4 step process.
And then calls it a “rejection of extremism.”
He looks really special in that pic.
So wait, is it 3 years or 30 years?
lol why would Russia need a software exploit to get info from the pentagon?
Sounds like that’s what he’s doing.
But he’s a tech bro, he’s in the “in crowd.” This so called retribution might just mean he can’t hang out at their club house anymore.
Awesome show. Can’t remember that line though.
I know it’s off topic but now I’m super curious. How does it know which one to pick?
Good. When will he FINALLY piss enough people off? What will it take?
If both sides are bad, then someone crossing over to the other party doesn’t make much difference.
Why does it only affect one testicle??
Yeah but if you let parties run everything you end up with things like the DNC running Hilary instead of Bernie. And so called super delegates. So I’m not convinced that’s a good solution either.
Trying googling for “photos of big balls” and get back to us.
Yeah, it seems like the original Nazis tried to present themselves as some form of sophisticated aristocracy. They wouldn’t have had some kid from the Hitler Youth Boy Scouts called “Big Balls” reporting to Goebbels.
Didn’t know he was vegan. Weren’t they both guests at the chefs table on Hell’s Kitchen recently? Do they make anything vegan on that show?