Poe’s law. Can’t tell if serious or playing a bit.
Poe’s law. Can’t tell if serious or playing a bit.
But they also kill their children and innocent bystanders.
I know someone who is immune compromised because she had a rare genetic disorder, and the medicine she needs to live fucks up her immune system. She can’t benefit from vaccines. If some anti-vaxxer refuses a vaccine, gets sick, and sneezes on her on the subway, she’ll might die.
Plus very old and young people are vulnerable, too.
The person who didn’t get vaccinated might not even die, if they’re otherwise healthy.
As I said to the other response, I know in my brain that you are right. I, as a city dwelling tech worker, my interests align more than someone who works with his hands in the suburbs than with a billionaire. We’re both labor.
I still want to hit the maga-hat who’s frothing about how the gays are ruining their christmas, but I know that’s not really helpful.
I know in my brain you’re right but in my heart there is nothing but malice.
But as you say, what would earn forgiveness? If this somehow ends and we go back to “normal”, I think a lot of maga-hats won’t ever admit fault. They won’t see the bigger picture, and they’ll fall for the next con.
Anyone who’s been supporting trump is a scumbag or idiot. Anyone who’s still supporting trump is worse.
We should never forgive them.
Republicans are the worst people. If you know one, maybe punch them in the neck.
We really need to organize and remove the conservatives from power. Peacefully is ideal, but I won’t be upset if all the republicans are hanged.
Ugh I had the same rollercoaster read
I don’t think we should ever forgive the anti-vaxxers. I mean, we probably should if any of them come around, but in my heart I want to just brand “STUPID” on their forehead.
“The purpose of a system is what it does” comes to mind. The laws are intended to make life worse for women.
I suppose you this touches on how I’m in the US, where everything is skewed towards insane nonsense. It would be extremely unusual to find a conservative of any sort here that would support anything remotely anti-car, for example. Even if it would save money.
Not a fan. It admittedly can be an amusing toy - type something in and wow look what it did! But the costs are high, and our society isn’t a utopia where people don’t need to labor for survival.
Maybe if we were post scarcity it wouldn’t matter that much. But we’re not, and this AI stuff is going to hurt labor, benefit the ownership class, and probably be mildly bad for end users too.
They’re in favour of things like universal medicare/dental care, because those programs are shown to be a net benefit fiscally and socially.
I’ve never met someone who was “socially liberal fiscally conservative” who believed this.
They’re usually pro good things, but they don’t want to pay for them, so they’re not actually pro those things at all.
“Small government” and “private individuals will handle it” typically means it just won’t happen.
We outnumber the rich. If there weren’t so many idiots and boot lickers we could fix this problem
Stupid suburban white people, maybe?
There are people that think if you walk around downtown Brooklyn you’ll be double mugged. People of the land. Common clay of the new West.
I think there’s a little bit of nuance, at least. Like refusing to call a nazi salute a nazi salute, or excessive use of passive voice (eg: “A man was killed after an encounter with the police”). Those things aren’t making the world better.
A heady mix of stupidity and treason
Everyone who votes Republican deserves shit like this. But unfortunately we’re all stuck with them, and they seem incapable of learning.
I don’t know if that’s exactly a Venn diagram that’s a circle, but I think if you lose all the conservatives you also lose the capitalists. Whoever you’d have left would be amenable to change.
I enjoyed the simplicity of old video game RPGs where the price of the item directly scaled with the value of the item. Armor for 1000gp was just straight out better than the one for 300gp.