Lots of things happen there! It’s party time all the time!
Lots of things happen there! It’s party time all the time!
Like the mouthpieces for the Other Dear Leader in (not) the People’s (not) Democratic (not a) Republic of Korea.
They’ve already barred AP, and seized control over who gets to come into any event that can’t fit the entire press corps from the White House Correspondents Association.
Pretty soon, it’ll be just OAN, Newsmax and The Daily Stormer asking her “questions”.
Sounds like a slippery slope to Truth Socialism!
Yeah, but what-aboutery is the standard response of the playbook MAGA use (the CCP’s).
Just because he sucked the blood of many Transylvanians doesn’t make him genocidal!
Deny! Attack! Reverse Victim & Offender!
Sorry, I thought he went to Princeton-Plainsboro.
Cool to see the meme applied to someone who genuinely went to clown college!
“I don’t care about your opinion”, says MTG to journalist trying to ask her for her opinion.
Yet today protectionism is being used by some American politicians as a cheap form of nationalism, a fig leaf for those unwilling to maintain America’s military strength and who lack the resolve to stand up to real enemies – countries that would use violence against us or our allies.
All Yankees Fans Are…
Take your pick :)
Come on now, those were different times!
Yet more evidence he jumped into Kash Patel?
In addition to the points others made, Rome has not always been a bustling city.
Its population declined from more than a million in AD 210 to 500,000 in AD 273 to 35,000 after the Gothic War (535–554) reducing the sprawling city to groups of inhabited buildings interspersed among large areas of ruins, vegetation, vineyards and market gardens.
The city’s population declined to less than 50,000 people in the Early Middle Ages from 700 AD onward. It continued to stagnate or shrink until the Renaissance.
Thanks to multiple sackings, power struggles, plagues etc.
It only surpassed a million again in 1936. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome#Demographics
Musk probably has his own Night of the Long Knives coming sooner or later.
As in, he will be the target, not the perpetrator.
I don’t know but my speculation:
The population started to tick up with the Renaissance, but when Italy essentially unified under a more modern constitutional monarchy in 1861, ending the Pope’s temporal power over the city, Rome’s population growth went stratospheric.
Source: https://www.jetpunk.com/users/quizmaster/charts/population-of-rome-over-time