It’s also about the lease common denominator a 16:9 screen will show the aspect ratio of a 4:3 but a 4:3 won’t show a 16:9. The whole point of a 16:9 was to fit all common ratios without distortion.
It’s also about the lease common denominator a 16:9 screen will show the aspect ratio of a 4:3 but a 4:3 won’t show a 16:9. The whole point of a 16:9 was to fit all common ratios without distortion.
Dude that’s a long since passed look at the vaults in Hawaii with zuck. I hope they choke down there. Remember they all have air filters.
I may be wrong with creative commons but doesn’t it work the same with the gpl. They can relicenae it inder a different license if they own the copyright but you still have access to the version under the first license.
Ah yeah that will be the wrinkle
I mean you don’t have to live in Italy after getting your citizenship they are an EU country with freedom of moment.
There are no good guys or bad guys in geopolitics just interests. Sometimes those interests align with what most people consider good or bad. Read the field manual FM3-24 and learn about shaping and you will see what the CIAs bread and butter of their job entails.
What I mean a business that is not a store. Think investment bank or importer B2B business or a highend appointment only boutiques
And homelessness the US are the ones tgat gave spikes on park benches it’s awful.
Yeah that is why I said business not store and yes this is very uniquely American.
Do they change the placement because a business “bribed” (i mean lobbied) for them to not to put a bus stop near them as they don’t want to see the poors near them? Yes!
So my advice is Tuesday and Friday that would the same as if you did weekend Wednesday but adjusted since you can’t take the Sunday off. This let’s you work less days between breaks so you get to enjoyment of both days vs recovering from a 5 day work week then only having one day to enjoy your day.
Direct Cremation but if you don’t mind your body going out of your family’s control donating your body to science or a body farm for forensic anthropologist. It can be free.
Shift + control + V makes this bot obsolete
Any of the “barbarians” cultures like the Goths or Angles
This is 100% correct but it’s good as I got older it’s the characters that make it interesting so the mystery is just a bonus.
You make very good points also to add women in online spaces have incentives to pretend to be male or be ambiguous and not bring attention that they are women online to reduce the harassment they get. I’m pulling numbers out of the air but I feel 10% the internet that is male are assholes or children that don’t have any social skills yet and the other 90% get lumped in with them because we don’t reach out at all as to not come off as creeps like the other 10%. So you don’t hear about the polite respectful ones.
My hypothesis for this comes from the fact that most men I meet in real life are polite social people that respect women with about 10% being weird assholes. I also don’t blame women being guarded of all men as that 10% are true nightmare. I mean if there was a 10% chance a strange man you meet out in public was going to be Jason Voorhees. I would mace every man that came up to me as well. That’s how those assholes ruin it for everyone. Well except the grifrers that make it worse that is.
Also I’m married but we met online before tinder broke dating sites. So take what I say with a grain of salt just from an old man that sees the struggle of young people of all genders go through and I have empathy for them.
Yeah but to show a 16:9 on a 4:3 it would be so small you would have more than half your screen taken up by black bars. It’s the whole reason 16:9 was created to also help with the flat and scope film formats. To finally get rid of the awful practice of pan and scan.