When your viewpoint is fairly tales, even a 14 year old can bust your view.
When your viewpoint is fairly tales, even a 14 year old can bust your view.
Don’t get me started on Schnapps
“Hey guys, want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?”
Also, no teeth and swallow
Wait till he finds out about Claps
I always feel a bit bad for soldiers… You sign up to serve and end up serving such a shit bag… There is no way I could stand like that in the background I’d be immediately dishonourably discharged
Yup that’s literarily what happened last time he did this shit with washing machines.
Now washing machines are more expensive across the board.
Trump is a moron, and his voters are even bigger morons.
Being wrong admitting it and changing your mind with new information is absolutely amazing and a great character trait. Props to him.
The party on its own won’t do shit. We need to start primary the old fuckers with young left people
A normal person like you and me can never understand the mind of a billionaire. They are fucking sick in the head.
Never take everything everything seriously! 80% of the time!
You’re absolutely right. The USA is so huge and diverse people don’t even realize.
The thing that sucks is that the USA is awesome, it had great nature, great cities and good food / people.
The orange dipshit can’t take that away.
That said, only visit / give your money to blue states, that’s what I’m doing.
I hate Apple and always thought Musk was a tool. But, apple products are better than Tesla products. Apple is still overpriced as shit, and has bullshit gatekeeping, but they make solid products, you have to give them that.
Tesla on the other hand always had absolute shit build quality.
People kept circle jercking about how great the software was, but it always thought it was idiotic.
Not having physical buttons / handles is beyond insane to me and I could never buy a car that made me jump through hoops to fucking raise the temp in the car.
Then there’s autopilot, people were raving about that, but again, are you going to trust your life to a company that can’t even get two body panels to match properly?
I’m for advancement and every tech has its growing pains, but musk was always a piece of shit, and Tesla’s mission never seemed to be “make the best car for the consumer”, it was always “what fun shit does the man child want us to play on today?”
What’s the risk if done on local network?
Horrific dictatorship that commits atrocities.
People that have been subjugated and oppressed and have little to no value as humans to the CCP.
Became a world power by exploiting the working class.
Beautiful country and amazing history.
These 5 things would be absolutely AMAZING, but even the biggest optimist in me can’t see this coming to fruition without the idiotic Republican voter understanding them and also coming out for them
Most of his supporters have been getting fucked by corporations and the elite for decades. They are angry and rightfully so, I’m angry too.
Except my anger is directed at said mega corps and billionaires, not fucking minorities picking apples and trans people trying to piss in peace.
I don’t know how you go from seeing Walmart fuck you your entire life, and thinking a billionaire nepo baby is going to set things right.
Republicans should be Bernie supporters, but they are simply too stupid to understand where they are being attacked from.
He would, but can’t speak right now due to his head being up his own ass.
Investor bros always pull this line out.
The stock market is more than 30 year olds who can put a extra 100k into it and wait.
A lot of people’s 401ks are tied to this shit, jobs are tied to the market, investments are tied to the market.
It’s a lot more complex than “buy the dip bro!”