What’s the deal with that raccoon though.
Did I say something stupid enough that you needed to check my profile?
Good, that was on purpose.
What’s the deal with that raccoon though.
I met people on both sides that had either of those attitudes.
The “I’m always right because I have a PHD” is not uncommon, even on fields not covered by their education.
At the same time, I’ve met many religious people (Muslims, Hindus, Christians) that for them religion was a private, personal aspect that helped them deal with their lives.
As a kind of a routine, something done time and time again enough to clear up their minds from stress and give them an anchor when lost.
I’m not religious, but I believe in freedom and the pursuit of happiness, and I support anyone as long as it doesn’t interfere with other’s.
Yoy can’t argue with this logic /s
dangerous and repulsive
I’ve been told worse things but never by a dog.
Wait what?
I am now sure were living in some mickeymouse simulation.
So… Did Putin find a magic lamp?
Well, what if they can command the exit door and help other passengers exit in an orderly manner? It would be a very tall and strong toddler.
Donald Trump was once a democrat supporter, I shit you not we live in that same timeline.
There should be a timer and if you take too long the “sonic running out of air” music should start playing.
Accessory to second-degree constipation.
“The clown car”
Is this… is this like, for real? Sorry I can’t tell anymore…