- they can void your human rightsal at-will
They/hello!! Also @match@pawb.fun
Specifically in the Philippines, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (yes they had MILF flags) as well as the maoist New People’s Army also fought the government before and after the time of the People’s Power Revolution.
are we going with ICEtapo, ICEstapo, or gICEtapo
amber ruffin is incredible and this is going to make a great bit for her
the mysterious unreadable watermark in the lower left is actually a blurred-out rude boy
and then they realized they could use it to arrest unionists and dissidents
good luck. may ice not disappear you
Which way to the sexbot timeline?
What if the balloon was rigid and filled with vacuum?
Back? They’re just passing through
and besides, the purpose of a system is what it does
imagine what it’ll look like when the second pandemic hits
i can’t tell if he’s rolling out a nazi flag, or rolling up the american flag to reveal the nazi flag that was underneath the whole time
surely he would’ve imagined himself in the wedding dress
“volcanologist fleeing eruption to study in nearby Island”
well, i do love suikoden
i went ahead and make it unfair right leaning because I’m a little scamp
it ain’t even edit protected
you will be shocked how much straight sex the average gay teen has. also closet-trans sex