Jokes on you, I don’t have any lips!
Jokes on you, I don’t have any lips!
Nobody drives in NYC there’s too much traffic
I’d love a reference to where a citizen’s phone has been seized, if I missed it in this article I apologize.
If you’re traveling to the US for work and are not a citizen, ship your devices to where you’ll be staying. Bring a burner for the flight. Sorry we’re such a shithole.
Power off your phone. Tell the officer you forgot to charge the device. If they power it on, oh shit! You forgot your passcode!
Crash the economy and stock prices. Create a forever war for profiteering. Stick dissidents and the poor into for profit prisons. Consolidate more wealth at the top. The system is working as designed.
It’s Project 2025.
Salt Typhoon is my guess. That team would’ve heavily benefit from someone with Dr. Xiaofeng Wang’s connections.
I’ve seen more scientists, phd students, post grads, and STEM college students at protests than at any other time in my 30 years of protest. I’ve been involved in organizing countless protests online and now spend hours every week cultivating or building networks for dissidents and community organizers.
I don’t know which scientists you’re talking to in the meatspace, but you might want to find different ones. Before they’re all in the EU or Canada.
Which strawman are you yelling at in particular?
All US stocks half off
If domestic terrorism is such a focus why’d they shutter their KKK and White Nationalist investigations and kill their metadata tracking tool?
They’re headquartered in the US. GDPR being an EU statute, won’t hold much weight with the current administration; and since they’re filing for bankruptcy the data will be sold to the highest bidder. Likely as not they were selling access to their db when they were in operation.
HIPAA may have a claim on the data that could give some privacy protections, however since people’s insurance wasn’t involved and the process didn’t go through a doctor’s office I doubt it.
That data has already been sold.
perhaps with some Led Zep-type analogues
Yes. Money talks.
Archive without AI slop here
Defense contracting will become a jobs program essentially
SpaceX and Starlink next. I’m tired of funding his bullshit with my tax dollars.
Thank you