If you want a modern one, check out the Svalboard.
If you want a modern one, check out the Svalboard.
Just add a speaker :)
To be fair, they did allow entry to the vice president of a hostile foreign power.
You mean the Austrian guy who killed the head Nazi?
Coming out of the military with a decent MOS or G.I. Bill is one of the few paths to real class mobility left for a lot of people.
For now. They have already screwed over a huge chunk of people who were enrolled in loan forgiveness for federal service and continually screw vets over with the intentionally horrible VA system. I’d not count on the GI Bill surviving Trump.
Now they’re prompt kiddies
Platinum Preppy. Cheap and cheerful with the capability of taking a converter, different nips, and being converted into a refillable marker. Amazingly versatile pen.
FFS. Wow. Can’t believe I missed that one.
millions will starve in developing nations and 100s of thousands more will die from preventable diseases.
It’s also literally in-line with the faux-left accelerationists’ dogma:
Phase 1 - Make the world worse by helping the far-Right take over governments. This will lead to increased suffering domestically and internationally. Phase 2 - ? Phase 3 - Working class solidarity and uprising resulting in socialist utopia.
(Phase 2, historically, likely involves either a few centuries of oppression, and/or global armed conflict and genocide, but that’s a sacrifice that they’re willing to make.)
Mathematically, that is the case.
They are not smart. They are just pathologically greedy people born to wealth.
Look. I get you. But, it it were up to me, I’d have been gone during the Bush II years and I’m still stuck here.
This place has fucked me up enough already. Despite doing “everything right” in my studies, my first career, in scientific research, died before it began, thanks to the ultra-wealthy causing a global recession. Every day I wonder if it’s going to be the day that I hear that my trans sibling has been taken or died a death of despair. I lost a cousin to cancer because she couldn’t get treatment due to the nazi’s handling of COVID. I’m in therapy because of serious childhood trauma. I’m childless, despite wanting to have children my whole life (have never been in a position to afford them and my spouse is disabled, so, I’ll likely never have the energy to parent anyway). I know that, no matter how much I put into a 401k, it’s never going to be enough for me to retire. The current head of the CDC has suggested putting people like me in forced labor camps.
I spent decades being politically active and trying to get others active, voting, and engaging with reps only to have tankies and centrists actively sabotage any attempt to realistically pull the country Left without the massive amount of death and suffering (especially experienced by vulnerable people) that tankies circlejerk about trying to cause.
Nothing that I do here has any ability to change things in the country for the better within my lifetime, which is likely to be cut short due to living in this country during the ongoing fascist coup that everyone around me is still in denial about. Sure, I help out neighbors and the like as they need it and I’m able. If we meet and you need help, I’ll absolutely help you if I can.
I’m not going to Luigi someone or join the Maquis - I am needed too much by my family. Nor am I going to opt-out - I’m too filled with spite over what was stolen to make things any easier for them. And I’m sorry but, if I can get my family out, I will.
The Founding Fathers are some of the biggest fucking hypocrites of all time.
Slavery abolitionist and Founding Father Thomas Paine would agree with you. He literally called Washington a hypocrite (and incompetent) in an open letter.
One of the few “Founding Fathers” that I tend to like.
You have to choose. You don’t get to have both.
That’s a nice false dichotomy that you’ve got there. Be a real shame if someone pointed it out.
Do you want to win, or do you want to believe you are right in regards to electoralism and strategy.
As stated elsewhere and implied above, unlike anti-electoralists/accelerationists, I want trans people to not face repression and murder, and for overall levels of human suffering to decrease. Humans are not tools to be used and discarded as your means to an end. The ideology is literally that screenshot of Lord Farquaad from Shrek stating:
Some of you are going to die but that is a sacrifice that I’m willing to make.
Attempting to increase human suffering in the hope that it magically leads to class consciousness and, in-turn, a violent revolution, in ways that have never occurred in documented human history, is pretty much just collaborating with fascists. Even if it were to cause an overthrow of the current order, the data shows that the odds of a left-of-center government replacing it, much less one that is stable enough to stand against external and internal threats from the elite, are questionable at best.
Chomping at the bit for mass violence and refusing to use all tools to avoid it is saying that you don’t care about those who suffer most from war, the non-combatants. You know, the workers, elderly, disabled, and other vulnerable populations that leftists generally care about. In the Second World War, for example, non-combatants suffered three times the deaths of those who were fighting, with less than half attributed to the Holocaust. Most of these deaths don’t occur because of bombings and collateral damage. No, the civilian deaths in war come from disruptions to civil infrastructure leading to outbreaks of preventable disease, famine, and lack of clean water (the sorts of things causing loss of life in the ongoing Palestinian genocide).
So, anytime that you think about advocating against electoral solutions, I ask that you be honest with yourself and others, clearly stating that you:
Sure looks to me like both Dems and people who couldn’t give enough of a shit to prevent fascist oligarchy are at fault. And neither side is likely to take responsibility for their actions in this lifetime.
I’m sure looking forward to a significantly increased chance of my loved ones dying violent deaths because non-voters wanted to “send a message” in a manner that has never resulted in positive change in modern history. /S
I’d say it’s to embolden police and violent racists, in hope of helping encouraging their race war to destabilize the country so that they can divy it up.
The interesting lack of forethought from the oligarchic billionaires is that their billions mean nothing without the US dollar and NYSE. The majority of their hoards of wealth are not backed by anything tangible that could be of use in the event that the US dollar ceases to be relevant. I suppose that this kind of thought isn’t likely to occur to sociopaths that were born with platinum spoons in their mouths.
Nah. They’ll be happy that minorities are hurt too.
This is an appropriate reaction, in my opinion. Modern economic philosophy is entirely myopic with no apparent perceived value in anything beyond the next quarter. From that perspective, if your employees have already created value and you’ve budgeted more than severance would cost (or think you can get away with constructive dismissal), then, for the quarter, getting rid of employees looks like a financial positive.
That’s the DataHand, one of the few novel text-entry devices in the last few decades. It’s sadly no longer made but ifyou want a modern one, check out the Svalboard.
The Svalboard is made by one guy in California with FOSS firmware based on QMK/Vial. He took it on because his DataHand, which had enabled him to keep working with a wrist injury, broke and no parts were available.
I got one myself after near disabling wrist RSI. I don’t type as fast as I used to (yet) but I am able to work with a lot less pain.