No no, we should be praising him. Clearly he needs a designated driver.
No no, we should be praising him. Clearly he needs a designated driver.
Let’s do some overly simplistic bad economics just for fun. Let’s suppose that the American car companies are not hurt by the tariffs because those only target foreign car companies. Now all the foreign cars are 25% more expensive. This raises the demand for domestic cars. If the domestic car companies are trying to make money, they will jack up their prices 24%. And what are we told? Something about how they have duty to their shareholders? … Donald is having fun living in his dream world.
Counterpoint: We’ve known how fucked up he is for years. It was just hero worshipping suckers who bought into his bullshit. Anyone with half a brain recognized him for exactly what he always has been.
Moving to another country, especially when the native language is not English, that’s a massive challenge. It’s important that you’re going there for a positive reason. Otherwise you could have chosen anywhere, right? So your motivation to be a community member there would be low. So don’t just run away from Musk. Find other goals and reasons to aim for Italy.
Also, every country and city has some assholes loving in it. Not everyone is very kind. That’s life.
The data says it’s not enough. That’s the point. We’re talking about averages here, and children who have no choice, right?
First sellers get rewarded tho. Imagine massive housing speculation tank, but if you sell quick, maybe you beat it. So it doesn’t take two years.
Right and that is also a solvable problem.
If that’s his best he needs a new career and a new brain
You see a bug, he sees a feature. What kind of government does he want? Just listen to him. Believe him the first time, as they say.
No, it can’t. Passports take months to get and cost money, for example. Disenfranchisement of the poor.
Also, why would Trump stop here? Wannabe dictators never let opponents compete fairly. If you overcome this hurdle, he’ll just make another ruling designed to undercut your vote. That’s why we need to fight against all of his changes. The power grab itself is the existential threat, not the individual action.
Sure sure but let’s not get too “American exceptionalism here” . Plenty of other countries are fucked up in somewhat different ways, too. That’s reality.
My friend, that’s not how the electoral college works. Most of those potential votes did not matter at all. Please don’t go around victim blaming carelessly. It’s not cool.
Or nukes, either one, my friend.
No. Old news, this is.
It is a joke and it is funny and it would also have serious consequences. This is a classic example of the lulz. Politics can be so dark and twisted real, and if you want to stay involved in it for decades, you have to appreciate the lulz and then still keep going.
Let’s compare it to, for example, the fact that Donald Trump has control over the US military and nuclear weapons. That’s shocking. He’s a complete moron and he’s kind of evil to boot. Many of his good buddies are evil racist pieces of s***, too. So that’s the starting point. That’s where most of us are already at. Does this current idea make things worse? Of course it does. But things were already bad. That’s why we’re not panicking anymore than we were yesterday or last month.
I don’t think postmodernism had much to do with it. Go ask your average MAGA racist if they even know what that term means and they’ll shrug their shoulders. Similarly, the research does not show that your echo chamber theory holds water, and in fact it suggests the opposite. In the days before the world wide web, people were actually stuck in echo chambers, that being the communities where they lived.
Doesn’t that depend on the forums, though? For many organizations, those sites fit the needs perfectly fine. If you don’t care about archiving and you would not be totally screwed if the forum disappeared tomorrow, you’re going to opt for something simple like that.
So then all of those people who did it and acted on it were kidnapping. Great, lock them up.
Holy shit, dude.
Luigi will always be in our hearts.