• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • You’re right, hindsight is 20/20. Live and learn.

    In that particular case, it wouldn’t have really mattered much anyways. When I filed that application, I filed for a particular location. No car, my transportation was bicycle only at the time.

    Part of the application asked me if I was willing or able to travel further to other locations, to which I answered no. But sure enough, the interview was scheduled at their store like 10 miles away, not the local store I actually applied to which was only a bit over a mile away.

    It wouldn’t have been practical at all, like what if it’s raining that morning? What if it’s crazy hot outside and I arrive drenched in sweat? Even if the weather was good that particular day, the weather is always changing. I can’t be expected to have reliable daily transportation that far away when I’m on a bicycle.

    It’s challenging enough to plan a daily scheduled bicycle trip within a 2 mile radius when there’s no way to guarantee I have favorable weather conditions to ride in.

    But I guess the real point of my post and question was really looking to figure out how to fix the whole issue of valid and important emails getting automatically filed as spam.

    Unfortunately, according to all my research, there doesn’t seem to be any way to do that, especially when I have no clue what server to expect a response email from. I mean, you’d think the email should come from the same server you filed the application on, but apparently not.

    Sigh, guess you gotta dig through the trash to get a job online anymore. 🤷‍♂️

  • Dunno how to sell things online.

    I haven’t had a bank account in almost a decade.

    Why? Because my bank fucked me over and refused to accept my tax return payment. I’ve literally never been able to get a direct deposit, something always went screwy, and even the bank manager couldn’t explain why that was.

    So I closed my bank account and have been cash only for the past 10 years.

    I’ve actually worked for 4 banks before and never had any problem with them cutting me an actual physical check, but God forbid they actually allow a direct deposit…

    Like seriously WTF?

  • I’d love to get back into fixing vintage electronics, but I don’t really know anyone that’s interested in buying anything more than 3 days old.

    The only people I do know into vintage electronics are more or less anonymous friends that have a garage or storage shed full of the shit and not interested in any more.

    Fuck, I found a totally working buisness class video projector that had an original MSRP of almost $16,000, yet I couldn’t sell it to anyone for even a mere $50, they apparently have a policy around here to refuse video projectors, working or not.

  • Define what is considered a valuable board.

    Around my area, if I happened to show someone any device, even if it was originally worth $5000 in working condition, they wouldn’t even give me $5 for it if I even fixed it.

    They’ll just turn around and brag about the latest shit they bought off of Amazon or something. Nobody gives a fuck around here anymore, electronics are like candy to these dumbfucks anymore.

    Where the occasional money is at around here is if someone’s vehicle breaks down and they need someone to replace their starter or alternator or brakes or something.

  • Honestly, my resumé does need a bit of a refresher, but I also think it would start looking more like a scattered mess after 2017.

    I used to work in computer, tablet and cell phone repair, for a lousy fucking $10 an hour though. So I got sick of that and basically quit when I started getting side opportunities to occasionally fix hotel door locks for $20 an hour, but that was randomly sporadic.

    These days, I get by with whatever odd jobs come up, which range from occasional vehicle repairs to helping elderly disabled people get on and off the toilet.

    But I’ll be damned if I’m about to go back into fixing $500 devices for a lousy $10 an hour, when one single accidental slip of a soldering iron might cost me an entire week’s pay.

    I’d rather sharpen lawnmower blades or some shit than gamble with fixing expensive ass devices that I’d never even use myself.