I’m 90% sure it first said “Obama ~~ leftist” before being edited to liberal, which was what I’m commenting on.
The “liberal” in the USA is not a leftist in the same way a Tankie isn’t.
I’m 90% sure it first said “Obama ~~ leftist” before being edited to liberal, which was what I’m commenting on.
The “liberal” in the USA is not a leftist in the same way a Tankie isn’t.
The first group actually doesn’t really exist AND the group that gets assigned to that category tends to agree that extrajudicial air strikes are bad.
If the first group actually existed in the way they get categorized and imagined they’d be equally as bad, if not worse for being that dumb in a society where they are “allowed” to know better and think differently, vocally.
If the cruelty wasn’t the point then effort would be made to alleviate it, the universe might not feel but people are capable of it.
That’s the entire part of the concept of “what makes us human”
Our lizard brain can be beat by our monkey brain, we just gotta use our monkey brain bits.
Maybe it’s to signal they’re in distress, best I can guess cuz that’s a pretty glaring oversight otherwise
Oh shit I bet he makes 6k figures
But they haven’t had a chance to taste the rest of them yet
As long as they find this Ben Ghazi guy idgaf.
Ok sure, but her emails.
They have good enough endurance for the hunts they’d be involved with us for, but we are almost uniquely suited for endurance in the animal kingdom.
Becoming terminators is maybe the real thing that launched our ancestors.
5 … but black and in .38
It’s fairly common in the USA to not have a passport
… they took our jerbs?
I know what “the joke” is, and it’s always been dumb.
This is a weird comment but also confusing about why it’s being downvoted.
Is it cuz it’s so random or because people are idiots and think you’re wrong?
The French may have gotten collapsed but they fought tooth and nail the entire war.
I took an uber home from a concert and the dude was trying to show off his self driving Tesla and I am POSITIVE my drunk ass would have driven better.
It was terrifying.
Be patient with yourself.
Keep exploring.
Keep being patient.
… what are you working with down there?
She sounds hot, can I hang out too?
Everyone has a plumbus