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Joined 24 days ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2025


  • Germany’s military industry was also trash at the time. Buying time for Britain’s defence also bought time for Germany’s offence.

    If France, Britain, etc did something sooner rather than later a lot of bloodshed would have been avoided.

    The World At War is an incredible documentary that covers it quite well.


    “Since the French spurned any notion of taking the offensive, the Maginot Line ironically protected Germany better than it protected France.” Narrator, 8:10

    “A few French divisions advanced 5 miles. But they didn’t even try to penetrate the Siegfried Line, at that time still unfinished. And while Poland fought on, there were no German tanks at all on the Western Front.” Narrator, 12:40

    “If ze French Army would have attacked in beginning of September wiz zere very strong superiority in division in armoured cars well act all armoured cars in ze Western Front at zat time. In artillery, in air force, we ze German forces in the so called Western Front could stand no more than 1 or 2 weeks.” General Siegfried Westphal, Staff Officer Western Front, 14:05

  • Wow, thank you for the detailed response!

    That final article isn’t quite relevant though and doesn’t exactly instill confidence when it took 2 years and 108,000 searches (180 per day) before anything was done…

    I’m glad to hear there’s supposed to be some form of accountability, and checks and balances but we’ve seen throughout history that those sorts of checks are always open to abuse or intentionally ignored when it’s convenient for the powers that be. You may have a benevolent police force just now but that doesn’t guarantee anything in the future.

    Mandatory government ID on your person at all times is still dystopian.