and to warn against horrible design
and to warn against horrible design
to be fair it’s much healthier than animal based electron microscopy
well I’m glad you finished buffering long enough to say that you piece of shit I wonder who had major role in bringing his country to this stage.
he’s not even the president why would they brief him
miyazaki fucking hates it and thinks it’s a sign of the end times
dude it’s gonna annoy me forever that he said that in the meeting where the very first words zelenskyy said were “thank you”.
that’s gonna be a long list with all the people who support the terrorist state of israel
I’ll take that as a yes
is this AI, what the hell are you even arguing right now
of course not. if it were, there would be at least one person going “why are we using signal for this?” or at least “is this ok that we’re doing this over signal?”
they’re the most incompetent bunch of losers you could possibly bring together. I don’t think you could manage this is you put an ad on Craigslist for incompetent losers, or have a fucking dimwit convention.
why use carrot when stick work
impressive that he climbed the ladder in the first place
yes, you can start by not funding north korea. oh look, mission accomplished! now do Israel, you disingenuous ass.
try 100%. housing should be covered by taxes.
you should hear yourself while climaxing and then see if you can make any distinction
it’s always been doing this. it’s so that they claim AP wasn’t active during the crash and evade liability
we need more players 2. where’s Tails, Diddy, Lance, Jimmy, Ken… Insert coin already.