That whole pedo thing was so fucking weird.
That whole pedo thing was so fucking weird.
Grindr convention
Fucking hell. That tweet is so cruel. I hope one day he comes back from the dark place he currently finds himself and looks back on this episode with shame.
Only on the Sunday shows?
2, please.
It sure looks like Americans do want rich people with political influence considering they just voted for a billionaire promising a cabinet of billionaires.
Reddit link booooooo
Ah. I follow now. Sorry I didn’t realise you had linked to google translate in the post.
There’s a DeepL browser extension for that.
Try DeepL. It’s the superior translation app, as far as I’m concerned. Based in the EU, I believe.
The nature and scenery in the US is honestly stunning, and you’re lucky to have the NPS to make all of it so accessible.
In saying that though; there is natural beauty everywhere you look in the world and it’s very easy, and often cheaper to go elsewhere.
Welcome! Hope you have a lovely time!
I wonder if there’s a way to block AWS? I’ve no idea how these things work, but surely there’s some sort of signature that is readable and therefore blockable?
It’s the worst. Avoiding Pepsi, Coke, Nestlé seems impossible sometimes. I had to give up the masala chips that I like because it turns out they’re a Pepsi front. Why are they allowed to just buy up everything?
It does seem like all the hoohah about how great the US Constitution is, or the genuis of the US founders may well have just been some good marketing mixed with a reliable dash of American Exceptionalism.
Their lack of scruples is a skill in itself.