You should be safe as long as you don’t use an elevator with/owned by an eccentric billionaire inventor.
You should be safe as long as you don’t use an elevator with/owned by an eccentric billionaire inventor.
The biggest dealer I have ever been to had like 5 salespersons in store at any given time.
And probably half that in financing people.
I worked for a dealership group for a few years, and we had 4 different buildings in our local campus. Like you said, maybe 3-6 sales people in any given shift in each building, but only 1-2 financing people on shift in the same building.
Not even mentioning that the easy sales still took 30-45 minutes to get through financing. There’s no possibile way that this is legit…
I’d rather go down fighting than end up as a Guantanamo photo subject.
This is why y’all are a joke. There are two links that link to tankies being tankies, but you gotta hold onto your ego instead of clicking a link.
I’m so done engaging with people like you
Because you fucking can’t. Intellectual honesty is something you’ve only read about LOL
Why would I bother linking more shit for you when you’re already *crickets* against the shit that’s already been linked? You’re hot on the draw to respond to me without a link, but awfully quiet to those who linked you what you wanted, why don’t you go talk to them? Or would you rather engage with what you think is going to be the easy dunk lol?
If you’re not going to respond to people who have already done the shit you asked, why should I bother to waste more time when you appear to be participating in bad faith?
Tankies are a joke, and it stopped being funny years ago.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
You have seen people who are against US imperialism having a wide set of opinions on the conflict. But no communists support Putin. He’s a bigoted reactionary.
Lol, no true scottsman much? I’ve looked through histories on some of the people I’ve run into, and their history says they are. Honestly, you may as well be saying
‘Sure they say they’re communist, express communist beliefs, read communist literature and engage in long, drawn out conversations regarding communist praxis, but they support Putin so they’re not really a communist.’
Do these people exist or are they just strawmen? I’ve not really ever encountered so-called “tankies”.
They’re strawmen.
Anything can be called a strawman if you don’t bother to look at evidence showing that it happens.
but with an imperialist power like USA and maybe even Russia and China if you count them
It would be silly to discount Russia and China’s imperialism. They’re both on the level of the US, they just lack the power projection to be as bad as the US. But the actions they’ve taken with the level of power projection they have show that fact.
When you’re a republican Nazi, they just let you do it.
I just think the government should be limited to things that only the government can handle… Business regulations? Those are all things that can only be handled by the government. Restrictions on what kind of stove I can buy? …Those are all bullshit.
So the government should be able to regulate what businesses can do, but not what businesses are allowed to sell? Seems legit.
Because it’s fun?
Grandma Flash*
That or a pyre. My wife says she’d be glad to burn me when I’m gone.
Should we? Absolutely not
Will the left do it anyway? Probably, if history is an indication.
Lol, even a pipe dream calls this unrealistic.
I love Bernie, but he would have not been successful if he went third party and probably would have gotten trump elected with an actual majority in 2016.
Spin it in the air and take bites as it goes by.
Not sure if you misinterpreted me here friend, but I was agreeing with you.
This has nothing to do with being a mod and everything to do with rational thinking.
Yeah, but seeing them together is what I’m happy about.
Accepting the responsibility of facing reality has nothing to do with letting fascism take control.
I’d disagree, just because the people who refused to see the reality of the situation allowed naked fascism their time behind the wheel again. Plenty of people refuse to see reality how it is and choose to ignore it, sure that ‘things will just work out’ because that’s how it is in media.
In fact, if you were paying attention, I voted. Along with all the others that knew what would happen if we didn’t. So in that- WE tried to stop this- did you?
You’re preaching to the choir, she definitely wasn’t my first choice, but she was the only sane choice available all things considered.
My gripe is not with you, but with people who complain about the politician not being ‘exciting’ enough and using that as an excuse for why they’ve opened the door to removing the rights of myself and my loved ones. The people who feel that perfect isn’t the enemy of good, and that compromise and letting the democrats back in power was absolutely unthinkable (or, as some people told me, they deserved to lose to ‘learn a lesson’).
What about the idiots who chose to stay home and not vote at all. They may not have voted for it, but they weren’t voting against it either, and ambivalence in the face of fascism is tacit support.