What does this mean
What does this mean
Well, a little bit of both. It looks like OP is already putting in the time by diving down fruitless tangents, and will ultimately learn this lesson one way or another. I do believe it’s inevitable from OP’s described patterns, and that they ultimately shouldn’t worry too much about it.
It used to really fog my brain in my 20s, but in my 30s I’m okay with multi-tasking.
I think I just got used to the idea of documenting my progress, and doing work in increments so that I can switch between projects with not too much inertia.
In my 20s I kept everything in my head, or barely wrote anything down and the head inertia was real.
I also now know from experience where certain rabbitholes go. Ive pursued every fruitless tangent task to fruition already in my 20s, that it no longer spurs my curiosity in my 30s.
TLDR; it gets better with time.
Is the guy on the left Rowan Atkinson?
Did you see that ludicrous display, last site?
WebUSB and Keyboard flashing firmware has entered the chat.
I guess she knows what it’s like to be a heretic
Exactly, or by an underwater guy who controls the sea
3 is where I draw a line, 4 a rectangle, 5 a pentagram of sorts, but if she reaches 6 the most stable structure known to man, then that’s to be celebrated.
Now because man is 5 (cos man is 5), and the devil is 6 (and the devil is 6, devil is 6), and when the devil is 6, then God is 7, then God is 7.
This coincides with the level of permissions you should be giving her. A mode of 555 means you approve of her relationships, one of 666 means you and others approve, and 777 means that she is blessed under God and all.
After that, make sure you can read and write to her. Then finally execute her.
I hope this helped.
ally long salami that was shoved ins
I’m guessing you tick 2/4 boxes
I’d second this. They should dress up the actors as closely as possible to one another, so that the audience thinks “urgh, can’t they make them at least look a bit different?” whilst not realising it’s two completely different actors
“Ey C.J! Me and Big Smoke are hitting up an Arch Linux warehouse. Where are your colours, homie?”
Political motive too. If society was less divided, and had less authoritarian inclinations, the hate would be less prevalent. It would just be addictive to see nice things on the net
I do agree with that, but my problem is that I think I’ve been taking care of myself and only myself for my entire life already
He sounds like a really good friend, patient and understanding.
I like your idea of listening and accepting your thoughts. I distract myself every way and when, and I think it doesn’t help with the processing, so maybe I’ll take a leaf out of your book and maybe just sit and reflect a little and see if I can come to peace with some of my mistakes.
Have a good day, stranger :-)
Thanks, and yeah there definitely is an aspect of self-flagellation, since I’m not quite sure I actually want to forgive myself just yet. We’ll see.
How did your Friday happen? Did your friend reach out to you, or did you reach out to them for support?
I have unresolved feelings of extreme guilt for abandoning my loving ex, for abandoning my sibling when they needed me most, for abandoning anyone who depended on me for support.
I’m okay day to day with caffeine to help focus my thoughts on the task at hand, but sometimes after too many coffees I lie awake at night spiralling into my head, living out fantasies of parallel worlds where I betrayed no one and am loved by all.
I ultimately dont think I’m a very nice person, and tend to act unconsciously towards my own self-preservation and interest. Writing stuff down helps, but I’ve decided to bite the bullet and go seek actual help.
I guess I didn’t really understand what a masochist actually meant, as I attached some kind of sadist connotation to it, when it’s just a pain-related kink. Thanks for the extra context, and I will try to update my understanding
Hah yeah. The notes dont have to be detailed or coherent mind you, just rough sentences on what you did and what you’ll pick up next time. Good luck!