I think it’s an even bigger mistake to think that starting a fire in a single state’s party HQ is going to move the needle at all. It’s not going to hurt them. It is going to give them ammo. Go big or go home.
Perhaps instead of saying stupid things on the internet you could spend some time reading up on WW2 history
Hitler was chancellor already when the reichstag fire started. What it did was allow him to seize absolute control. We’re not there yet. Courts are still ruling against trump. Elections haven’t been cancelled yet. It’s a mistake to assume things are already as extreme as they’re going to get.
Another example is boot or login scripts that run on all the servers/desktops to make environment changes you can’t handle with group policy. This person is talking nonsense, they don’t know any windows admins.
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Just don’t take money from billionaires
The problem is that your opponent will, and then they’ll win. I fear we need major electoral reform before we can squash this problem.
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Yes. Telling people how to vote sounds exactly like something Trump would do. He’d probably get super mad about it, throw a tantrum, and lash out with insults too.
How other people vote is their business. That’s democracy. You gotta be a real self righteous piece of shit to believe they should vote how you tell them to. Trumpesque, even.
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I never thought they were a viable option for taking one of the two main party slots, but I thought they had some good things to say and their voice should be heard. Now they’re just part of the far right noise machine.
No, LPNH, no I don’t.
How to be right in any scenario, simply move the goal posts!
A lot of Japanese cars are made in the US. Ironically, most American cars are made in Canada and Mexico.
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Sounds to me like they chose to be helpdesk. It’s nearly impossible to be a windows admin without using PowerShell, unless you’re super old school and use vbs for everything.
They must be some pretty shitty admins then. PowerShell is essential for managing more than a handful of windows boxes. If you’re running server core (which you should be in most cases) PowerShell and rsat are the only way to manage your boxes
I agree. I also don’t see any way in which burning down a small GOP office helps anyone but trump.