While I like the idea of credit unions, I opened a bank account with one for my first credit card - I was traveling overseas and it was recommended to have a card for that. I put $500 in a new savings account but the card arrived too late for my trip so I kind of let it sit and never really used the card or account. Checked back a year or two later and the account lost money due to an inactivity fee. Closed my accounts instantly. Shit like that really sticks with you and I’m still hesitant to try them again.
It isn’t mixed messages. It isn’t even hypocrisy. It is so very far beyond that. There is no inconsistent morality or ideals to depart from. Words, categories, definitions… these things mean what they need them to mean in the moment. Whatever serves their interests becomes the reality they pretend exists.
Do I suffer when I offend people with my speech? Respect the first amendment! Free speech! Government oppression! Tyranny! Anti-American!
Do I suffer when someone else says it? Well, that’s hate speech. Damages our children. It’s basically a call to violence - terrorism really, when you get right down to it. Anti-American!
Name a value and I promise you they’ll flip on a dime given the right situation.
2nd amendment? Not if minorities start carrying! Freedom of religion? Only as long as it’s their religion… Every life is sacred? Nah, only the lives they care about, like cute little white babies.
Nothing means anything anymore and that’s just how they like it.