Just have 500 thinkpads and you can avoid security issues all together! A thinkpad for every distro EZEZ
Just have 500 thinkpads and you can avoid security issues all together! A thinkpad for every distro EZEZ
Or alternatively, “Zit-ter” if in polite company.
There’s an entire serious sub called (r/trump666). They are more level headed than you’d expect and downvote and mod people too far out there. They have a lot of deep serious discussions on which of the four horsemen Trump and Musk are. They seem to mostly disagree on which person is which dragon/beast/horsemen. Although, I think there’s an agreement that RFK Jr. is Pestilence haha
It’s all over my head but this concept is strong enough now that people devote significant time to reading the lay-lines.
Coincidentally my old handle on Gawker was a photo of Trump and my name was “DiabloHimself.” But that was back when he wasn’t running for office and just tweetsulting Roseanne.
Lioool yes I did
She just did an interview and a photoshops Photoshoot in Teen Vogue. Vivian said she’s not afraid of her father at all and that he’s pathetic (direct quote) and that he can go to hell (paraphrasing).
The interview dropped this week so that’s probably why Musk is tweeting like a 12 year old role playing their vague concept of a bereft father.
You should read the motion. The motion to suppress isn’t based mistaken identity or identity. The Motion is based around how officers detained/seized the Defendant and items unlawfully. Officers did not give the Defendant the ability to leave (seizure) which means their actions rise to an “investigative detention.” This is a violation of the 4th Amendment and the 14th amendment.
The Officers detained the Defendant to Interrogate him and because he was not free to leave, the should have Mirandized him at that point. The Officers failed to Mirandize the Defendant during a custodial interrogation which is a violation of the 5th Amendment.
While I don’t think it was in the PA Defense filing: at one of the hearings there was questions about the chain of custody of the backpack. This could also lead to suppression of evidence (as I believe the gun wasn’t found until after the police took the bag to the station—but I can’t find the source that mentioned this fact now so I’m not sure if this specific facts is accurate anymore).
Hmmm then we are deeper into this than the world has realized. I think the gilded sheen is still there—but the rot underneath is deeper than the outside thinks.
Meaning, the mass protests that broke out in the millions across the country from 2017 to 2020–that era was the “protest era.”
What are we in now? Sure as hell not a protest era. We are way beyond.
As someone who has closely studied the evolution of spycraft from Ancient Intelligence to the development of the modern Intelligence Community—I know that because of my knowledge—I feel exactly as you say here. If I am taken out now for being too open or too loud, the side of humanity loses me in the fight. And it is so god damn easy to misstep.
We are and have been under massive constant surveillance. The facial scanning at airports has expanded to the physical border if you’re crossing by land. They say they delete your photo—but I assume they’re instead storing the biometrics. This is and will be used against us.
The tech companies in control know most of us better than we know ourselves. We are tracked every second of every day. They don’t need warrants when they already have access to profiles of data on almost every human in America. Even if we were in a normal world—the constitution generally doesn’t apply to private corporations. This is and will be used against us.
There is no safety “protesting” or organizing unless it’s done in a tight, cell operations that have some communication in between but function so that if one goes down the network stays intact. Intelligence and resistance groups survive when they’re federated.
Master’s tools cannot dismantle the master’s house. Organizing on a mass scale across the country without using any tech that touches our adversaries right now is not possible. So, first we must figure out how to share information quickly and easily in a way that excludes big tech capture and government capture.
Figuring this independent communication hurdle out is more important right now than getting out on the street with a geotagged phone and smiling for a drone who is sure to snag your biometric data. And I’m saying this as someone who believes in the people protesting (and who has been in full scale car tipping rubber bullets everything on fire riots).
Great point. I’d argue that an extension of individualism is consumption.
What was the majority positive response to Luigi? Consumption.
People asked where to buy stickers and T-shirts. T-shirts.
I’ve got a friend in Quebec that told me that they’d “wish Trump would hurry up already and make Canada the 51st state.” I also know a Canadian trucker that joined the line during that trucker protest over…whatever it was they thought they were protesting.
I was in Düsseldorf recently and met a UK resident (fluent in German) who was nuts for Musk.
It’s a problem that has spread to many other countries. In fact, I’d argue that right wing populism is all part of the same swing and it’s only the most cartoonishly evil in America.
You only attended one? You must be less smart by your standard.
I graduated from multiple private schools, I don’t understand what you mean? Is reading legislation and sharing news not taught at your private schools?
This makes me feel simultaneously very good and very very bad.
I’ve done deep dive on making cosmetics and soap. Dove is not “soap.” Dove Beauty Bar is made with a synthetic detergent (“SYNDET”). True soap needs saponification. So, your theory was correct. :)