There should be a badassness scale for decisions like these.
There should be a badassness scale for decisions like these.
Definitely fitting. Relevant just as much or more now as it was then.
Snitches. This shit will turn people against their neighbors. Everyone watching their back for the Gestapo.
I don’t think we need a new name for this. Fascism is fascism. If you give Trump credit for inventing ‘chaos fascism’, he and his followers will just lean into it and wear it like a badge of honor. People are underestimating how unbelievably stupid and gullible MAGA is.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
I’m pretty sure that’s an inherently bad thing…
Yeah if they don’t catch a beatdown I’ll be extremely surprised. Good luck to all of them.
Either way, the US citizens are the ones who get fucked in the end.
“I’ve been to hell, I spell it…”
I do not have a passport. I’ve never left North America. Also, I don’t fly anywhere unless there’s no other option. I haven’t been on a plane in 2-3 years.
I don’t have a RealID and had no intention of getting one. It took over a month to get a replacement birth certificate last year when I needed “proof of citizenship”. When my driver’s license expires I may opt for the RealID if it’s not a major hassle, but something tells me it’s about to become one.
He can “float” it all he wants. That doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.
It would have to be some kind of deprogramming technique.
This is a pretty good read.
Oh we’re way beyond that point…
What is it those MAGA fucks like to say? Cry more.
To be honest, if there’s still an election in 2028 and Kamala Harris is the democrat candidate, I just won’t vote anymore. I’ve voted regularly since I turned 18, but I can’t vote Republican in good conscience and Democrats have abandoned the public. I don’t even dislike Kamala Harris, she just has no chance of winning and the DNC seems incapable of learning from their mistakes.
Just seeing this dude’s face pisses me off…