cool cute little ping to my user bro. You literally said you were the professor, i literally said i was your kid. Maybe you should read the room and figure out that i’m the one playing you.
I do nothing inappropriate with my students, sexual or otherwise
in any case, that’s fine, i wouldn’t want to be a cause for sexual harassment or assault would i?
You and they are going to need a lot of counseling because of your illness and selfishness.
god, haha, no, you’re embarrassing, but that’s down to your behavior, pedo.
ah, you’re funny, you remind me a dog, capable of only expressing the most fundamental of emotion and connection. Due to millennia of evolutionary selection.
You admitted to abusing children, it doesn’t matter what you’d like at this point.
i don’t recall doing that, weirdly enough, seems like you’re just taking what i say, and then inverting it, to cope and make yourself feel better, rather than actually provide any witty comeback, or better yet, just stop replying. Unfortunately for you i just look like a better person than you.
you aussie or something? Would explain why cost of housing is so unbelievably fucked for you, unless you’re traveling. Unfortunately for the rest of the world our housing is affordable, in comparison to aussie realestate.
Eh, what do i know, maybe you’re from NZ or something funny.
im not the professor am i?
cool cute little ping to my user bro. You literally said you were the professor, i literally said i was your kid. Maybe you should read the room and figure out that i’m the one playing you.
in any case, that’s fine, i wouldn’t want to be a cause for sexual harassment or assault would i?
unfortunate, do you teach psychology by chance?
'im not the professor am i?"
god, haha, no, you’re embarrassing, but that’s down to your behavior, pedo.
“…would i?”
You admitted to abusing children, it doesn’t matter what you’d like at this point.
ah, you’re funny, you remind me a dog, capable of only expressing the most fundamental of emotion and connection. Due to millennia of evolutionary selection.
i don’t recall doing that, weirdly enough, seems like you’re just taking what i say, and then inverting it, to cope and make yourself feel better, rather than actually provide any witty comeback, or better yet, just stop replying. Unfortunately for you i just look like a better person than you.
you aussie or something? Would explain why cost of housing is so unbelievably fucked for you, unless you’re traveling. Unfortunately for the rest of the world our housing is affordable, in comparison to aussie realestate.
Eh, what do i know, maybe you’re from NZ or something funny.
“Due to millennia of evolutionary selection.”
You got that pathetic so much quicker, congrats!
“Unfortunately for you i just look like a better person than you.”
You are talking about fucking children. You look like a pedophile.
yeah idk, i think legally that might be classified as a “sick burn”
listen bro, i’m not the one talking about fucking children right now, ok. That’s all im gonna say, smells like projection on your part.
“i’m not the one talking about fucking children right now…”
you literally are the one, as shown in your comments about fucking children above. you should stop and get help or turn yourself in.
you have to deal with that sickness yourself.