I personally connect deeply with Amélie Farren. I’ve been listening to her music since she first posted it to tiktok. I can’t explain what about it connects so well but it just clicjs for me.
That got me thinking what artists other lemmings connected to. Hence the title
Off With Their Heads
i’m an edgelord so nick drake
Elliott smith
Sad pretentious answer: King Crimson.
Simply stated sentiment, with bouts of internal fantasy, fleeting manic happy moments, but always struck to the ever present earmark of private existential despair that washes over you day after day.
The Mountain Goats
I truly believe John Darnielle is the most talented working poet right now.
Beethoven and Bach. Depends.
I think Poppy Ackroyd. Her piano pieces just tell a story that i have never really quite found elsewhere. Dirk Maasen and a few others come very close, but noone can surpass her
Thanks for the reminder, I’ve not listened to Poppy for a while. Mechanism still sounds as beautiful as the first time I heard it!
You’re are officially the first person I know who knows of her. I think “Time” is her best though :)
Stephin Merritt
Jonathan Coulton. His songs are this perfect blend of funny, nerdy, and melancholic. Like, one song is about a self-loathing giant squid that I find myself totally identifying with.
Cynthoni, formerly known as Sewerslvt
Leonard Cohen
Fucking Kanye…
Runaway and Ghost town are fantastic songs.
There only two tracks I would pirate, and it is those two. I don’t want to support him financially.
DRZ , Kaivon, many others never a most day dependant sometimes its songs like rated r dirty south sometimes its soft illenium stuff
El P and Open Mike Eagle are like the better written versions of my own internal monologue