Are there any canonical references to how fast these two are, for comparison?
Whoever the writer thinks should be faster, so as to serve the needs of the story being told.
Sonic is faster. The Flash isn’t real.
Gotta go fast
Neither are as fast as my friend Ryan after he got his new shoes. He was so fast. Like really really fast. But he got hit by a garbage truck and can’t walk without a cane now. His mom works at Waffle House. His brother plays Fortnite on Switch.
P.F. Flyers?
No, he had Yeezy’s. This wasn’t 1964.
That was Benny “The Jet” Rodriguez
Both can go faster than light and “therefore” break through dimensional thresholds or go backwards in time; at that point actual measurement is kinda pointless. However, Flash is bound to the Speedforce (of whatever dimension/timeline/etc he’s in) and when that’s shared with any other speedsters, he becomes less capable. Sonic does not seem to share this “weakness” therefore would be considered faster.
This is the same argument for why Superman is actually faster than Flash, too. And ignores the use of chaos emeralds.
Flash. Both Sonic and Flash can run at/near speed of light, but only Flash has been able to go back in time with it.
Sonic has totally traveled time by going fast, look at Sonic CD.
We need this crossover comic if it doesnt exist already.
Trick question, Sonic is Barry Allen’s fursona. They run at the same speed because they’re the same person