(Edited for formatting and to add a link)
This public resource tracks legal challenges to Trump administration actions. If you think we are missing anything, you can email us at lte@justsecurity.org. Special thanks to Just Security Student Staff Editors Anna Braverman, Isaac Buck, Rick Da, Charlotte Kahan, and Jeremy Venook, and to Matthew Fouracre and Nour Soubani.
The Tracker was first published on Jan. 29, 2025 and is continually updated. Last updated March 21, 2025.
If I had any objection to the posted image, it would be to not sink to their level (pun intended).
I would have made the image a two finger peace salute, not a middle finger f-you.
Why? To be better than the person which I have objections with. He seems to want the world to go to shit, while I want the world to have peace, success, and happiness.
I understand what you’re saying and I respect your desire to approach them with peace and to rise up when they go low. I, however, will go as low as they do. Somebody’s gotta do it.
Hey, no probs by me, do what you do.
I’m gonna stick to the peaceful side, and share links that I find relevant to the protest cause.
This one might be an old one, but it’s just as relevant today…
Great soundtrack. We need peaceful souls just as much as we need those who have feel a righteous anger at the injustices happening now. Both are effective in their own ways.
Here’s my song recommendation.
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