Everything you’ve mentioned are tools for an artist to use to express THEIR talent. A typewriter doesn’t come up with the words. a Synthesiser doesn’t compose the the music that its playing. Comparinging AI (which requires zero talent) is disingenuous.
To put it another way, if you’re a carpenter using hammers and saws (tools), and then some engineer creates a robot that can be programmed to do that job and allows them to fire all the carpenters. Does that make the programmers carpenters even though not a single one has used a circular saw.
The line between “tool” and “crutch” is drawn by how much talent and training it takes to use it.
AI is NOT used as a tool in that traditional sense, its a shortcut to fake talent in ways that hammers, paintbrushes, typewriters and even just good old fashioned traditional Photoshop aren’t…
You have to have the training and talent to get use out of a real tool. And AI certainly potential for use in that regard; proofreading, background removal, grammar checking etc…
DJs use the tools to express THEIR talent. They don’t just say “create a composition that sounds good”. That’s the difference between an artist and a fraud.