If they can send Fentalogs and Fentanyl through the mail, you can send Mifepristone.
If they can send Fentalogs and Fentanyl through the mail, you can send Mifepristone.
The first thing I would do is ask why? I am no fan of Hooters, but I fail to see the strategy they see. Your going to have to do so much marketing to get any new traction and you run the very real risk of conservatives calling Hooters woke and losing a lot of your existing clientele.
Can anyone explain their ownership relationship? What’s the difference of “Hooters of America” vs this guy?
Does it have to be one person?
Seems like he could do that way more easily on our Southern border.
Send a helicopter to shoot at cartels near the border, wait until they finally shoot back. Send a mission deep into Mexico to attack the cartels and wait for the inevitable blow back.
Who else is going to be the designated driver?
I mean they should fire everyone on the group. But Waltz added the journalist and Hegseth sent the classified info. Those two should be pruned ASAP if they want to keep pretending legitimacy.
You would have to burn down mar a lago first, otherwise he would just get his wish.
I would love to see him pile into a spaceship with Musk to Mars. They can rule Mars.
I think paying for the £9,659 worth of tea is a fair deal.
How do they not make a profit? Every family dollar I have been to has products that are like half the size, but 90 to 110 percent the cost of a normal store.
Plus when all the contracts get litigated in court the taxpayers will end up paying for a majority of the remaining unexpended funds to payout for legally reimbursable project expenses.
I am not even talking about a war scenario. The college near me has guest finance speakers and once in 2006 they described how a few investors were renting warehouse space and buying bullets as a hedge and ar lowers as a speculatory investment with little downside. I am assuming they must have made a killing I’m profits.
You need a sizeable amount of investment money to do it at a scale where storage costs don’t eat into your profits though.
Some podcast on the NPR app said this might be a good thing. Trump is calling for impeachment of judges, which could happen. What Johnson is floating is an appeasement to Trump that’s impossible.
Not according to my neighbor, Lincoln started DEI according to him.
How much money do you have? At the current state of affairs the best possible investment is to buy pallets of ammo and crates full of AR lowers.
Yeah but after a few more statements and they will be forced to give them a demerit. And if they get too many demerits? That’s right… A verbal warning! You don’t even want to know what happens after a verbal warning.
I bet China will let them work from home.
Honestly there should be both. Just make the trigger for the general recall an exceptionally high bar.
That’s crazy. I knew people who would send massive amounts of concentrates across the country, and I thought that was risky enough haha