Democrats bad
Democrats bad
You mentioned blame though, and it seems like people are somehow putting the blame on the person holding the gun trying to put down the rabid dog.
The 90s was when Republicans first began the scorched earth tactics against Clinton. It was when all the conspiracy theory shit started. They planted the first seeds of populism then.
You’re a bad liar lol
So following this analogy, you blame the voters? Or the citizens (including those who didn’t vote)?
You can’t just say “whoosh” whenever you’re losing an argument.
How do you feel about instantly becoming the most economically powerful country in the world? Also California has the sexiest people in the continent.
Hella dope Canadians, eh
That’s like saying “so the mugger is your problem, not the gun, right?”
I’d probably die in a car crash pretty quickly
Historically the most popular political idea is “all your problems are the fault of those guys over there”.
I like the cold❄️❤️
California: “way ahead of you bro”
All the effort invested in them was just to teach them Dutch. There’s training at vdab for jobs that are easy to get. But these jobs don’t pay that much.
So teach them better job skills.
So what the fuck are you talking about?
Because those countries are not run by goddamn nazis, are you intentionally not listening to anything I say?
Some of the most bigoted people I’ve ever met have been Asian. Bigotry is not exclusive to whites.
I use mine a lot, but it’s even more frequent that I think “damn, my leatherman is in my backpack and I could really use it right now”