thoughts and prayers for their tooth
thoughts and prayers for their tooth
The short answer is “no”.
The long answer is “noooooooooooooo.”
Taxes at the Federal level don’t pay for goods or services. Creating new money is how the Feds pay for stuff.
Federal taxes just delete money from target populations.
The Axis Unseen is about hunting (while being hunted by) cryptids from a large variety of mythologies.
There are no minable deposits of rare earths anywhere. That’s why they’re called rare earth elements. Nowhere on Earth are there geologic processes that concentrate them into ores. The only way to get them is to process absolutely enormous volumes of dirt, at great expense in terms of energy used and pollution created.
Every country has them.
Who sells it is a question of which country is willing to render some portion of their territory uninhabitable for the foreseeable future, while also making a larger portion of their territory sick and dirty.
Supporting their constituents in the class war is presented as an afterthought, as usual from the corporate Democrats, and this congresscritters proposal is just the standard right-wing, milquetoast, failed Democratic policy that got us into this mess.
There are over 100 million people without a home in USA, and this guy thinks housing 10% of them will be sufficient. He won’t even say a number when it comes to minimum wage. Three fifths of the proposal is just masturbatory lust for power.