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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: December 13th, 2024


  • On paper yes, but the reality is that the rest of NATO will likely not react when faced with the prospect of having to fight America. Remember that There are 3-5 more countries with more nuclear weapons than the British and French. USA, Russia, China, and possibly India/Pakistan. … MAGA is playing footsies with Russia, NATO cant survive a war against Russia backed up by a hostile America. They’d call it a day and resign “leave europe alone or we’ll launch the nukes”. everyone outside of continental europe will be fucked, that means greenland, canada, mexico, etc.

    any “war” would be clandestine. Conventionally, NATO sans US would be able to handle Russia, but US and Russia both attacking NATO, NATO loses that scenario 10 out of 10. Right now, NATO is fucked if push comes to shove.

  • the Ukraine invasion from the perspective of fascists, dictators and lunatics, is an opportunity to normalize the public to the concept of industrialized war between nation states.

    there are certainly a few countries in the world with aggressive and warmongering regimes in total control, who intend to shoot their way to getting their resources.

  • I dont see any on here I would swear by.

    I have taken a liking to the Pilot B2Ps, they are made of recycled water bottles, I liked them simply for the fact that they’re the one type of pen we have in abundance at the office that no one else bothers to steal for some reason.

    I like the Staples TRU RED series too.

    what the hell is wrong with me, a year ago I’d be obsessing over some video game or hobby and now im discussing my pen model preferences, I think I’ve crossed the proto-boomer threshold

  • My answer is going to include a short story as a pretext.

    In Canada in the 90s, we used to have these commercials from an organization called “Concerned Childrens Advetisers” the commercials were about a variety of things, some being positive reinforcement about self esteem, others were more on the nose like not eating glue…

    there was one important one that would come on a lot called “The North American House Hippo”. And for about 60 seconds it would tell kids about tiny hippopotamus that come out in your kitchen at night, eat crumbs of dropped food, and make beds under your fridge or in the pantry or something… At the end of the commercial, the narrator says something to the effect of “That was an interesting story, but Its not real, not everything you read in a book or see on the TV is real.” the internet wasn’t mentioned because it wasn’t widespread enough yet… but it had a simple lesson. Not everything you see in media is real.

    that lesson hasn’t been transfered over to the majority of people, or more likely, most people are not responsible enough to be trusted with the internet because they dont know how to filter, they dont know how to think critically when presented with information online, and its even worse now in the age of deepfakes and AI, that even the smart ones get fooled now.

    Collectively we’re dumber because people have allowed their public facebook comment section keyboard warrior persona, to take over their real lives. Who people are in person and who people are online, are two different individuals, but the online persona is the one who is in charge. When we are in public, we usually revert to our social norms, respect each other. But when you’re a keyboard warrior, your impotent rage and urge to yell the N word and other slurs is unchecked because there isnt anyone present to break your nose for saying or doing something antisocial or arrogant.