Any elections still taking place freely offer a glimmer of hope for America.
Any elections still taking place freely offer a glimmer of hope for America.
Everything should be left to the states unless it shouldn’t.
The good news is, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s craziness may be starting to wear her constituents’ patience thin.
It was a rhetorical question. I’ve been calling the entire DHS the Gestapo since its inception in 2002.
And it’s about time too.
Do we call them the Gestapo now or is it still too early?
The cursor inches to the right a little more…
I have to say, Trump’s tactic of doing so many impeachable things so fast that nobody even tries to impeach him anymore is working stunningly well.
While Musk goes after your social security benefits, there’s plenty of pork to go around for the military - the biggest source waste and expenditure of the entire federal budget.
What’s that I hear? A lie from the orange utan?
I am shocked. SHOCKED I TELL YOU!
prohibiting foreign donations in certain elections.
You mean Russia won’t be able to back Cheeto next time around?
I would suggest Chung and Taal leave the country by any means possible before getting nabbed by the Gestapo ICE and disappeared to a Salvadorian concentration camp. Trying to hide from ICE isn’t a good way to convince Herr Cheeto’s finest that you’re not a threat to national security.
how about they leave the fluoride in it for starters?
Well, I trust Clarkson’s assessment of Elon Musk: it takes one to know one.
So instead of quietly sitting on his accidental inclusion into the hot mailing list and waiting for a truly big one to come down the pipe, he spills the beans - and no doubt got ejected from the mailing list faster than you can say “Is this administration a data security disaster or what?!” - to write an article about how he got a two-hour advance notice of the US military bombing lousy targets in lousy Yemen.
Not smart…
This is his brand of image:
“Sinister” is the word you’re looking for.
And if this seems vaguely familiar, here’s why:
Dictators, fictional and real alike, love sinister portraits of themselves.
If I had money, I would buy this artwork and organize to have it displayed everywhere and covered massively by the media to piss him off.
The second amendment is a myth. I guarantee you no citizens will rise up against the government with they AR-15 in 2025 when they’ll be facing an ultra-militarized police force and the entire tech industry turned into a giant ubiquitous surveillance apparatus out to root out dissenters.
Not to mention, for citizens to even think of rising up against the government in any significant number, they’d have to want to do it, and most people would rather sit comfortably at home in front of the TV and forget about what’s happening, when they don’t actively agree with the ambient fascism.
You’re assuming Trump and his henchmen will obey the courts. I predict that very soon, they won’t even pretend they give a shit about the judiciary anymore.
Why are the American people so …weak?
In another month, Americans will have non ability to mobilize and fight the Dictatorship that is almost fully installed.
The exact same thing happened in Germany in 1933. This is the exact same playbook: way too many people are willing to accept a little fascism because the fascist promises to drop the price of groceries and target groups of people they don’t belong to. Then the fascist doesn’t drop the price of groceries and turns against those who supported him - by which point, it’s too late.
What you’ve just discovered is that today’s Americans as just as dumb as the Germans of 92 years ago - dumber in fact, because they knew what happened in Nazi Germany, an advantage the Germans who trusted Hitler didn’t have.
The Americans should’ve known better, and yet they voted the orange fascist in. Plus ca change…
From the same guy who accused Volodymir Zelensky of playing with World War 3.
It takes one to know one I guess…