Anyone care?
Anyone care?
Just take the most blurry ass photos and send em…
?! Just sounds weird to cook chicken at 175degrees.
Canada typically uses Celsius for outdoors temp, and Fahrenheit for cooking. Most appliances are in Fahrenheit because it’s American made.
Also a lot of cookbooks here use Fahrenheit as well…it’s just engrained to flip flop between the too depending on the scenario.
It depends. If he’s talking about outside weather he is using metric. Once he starts cooking food though, it suddenly becomes imperial.
Using BBQ in 20 degree weather and cook your chicken at 350 degrees
Ever try Canadian club whisky as a replacement? They also have Texas Mickey
No clue, pretty sure it’s not being sold because it’s American, but the Smirnoff Texas Mickey is like 122cdn
Reviews like ‘tastes like highschool’ reminice very well over here.
Not sure. Just always been called that.
We also got the Texas Mickey too! 3000ml bottles
We call it a Mickey in Canada, not a pint. Fun
No take backies…you’re guilty
Tbf to op, the page source makes reference to the title being exactly what op posted. I blame the site for doing ninja edits after they submit. Out a title geared to generate clickbait, it gets grabbed by Google and whatnot and fed around through bs algorithms, they change the title and 'np ones the wiser ’
Did this quick before battery dies…I need to find the outlet bad…
These days?
You mean it’s not good to have panels just fall off, and have to do your own wiring to uninstall the already installed light bar which isn’t actually legal to have connected prior to selling?
Because it isn’t his ‘brand’ image…it’s not him visually and doesn’t make him look like the sack of shit he wants to be portrayed as
Because rules/law/ethics matter to the current ‘administration’…?
Watch donald pardon them and give them a job doing ethics or bs. He wants outrage
Pretty sure laws don’t exist in the us anymore anyways…
Ya think any military pilots Willa ctually wanna fly this shit box
Feel the block, feel it hard