Takes one to know one
I got in an argument with a toaster and now I lost a bet and I’m here just to get my house back.
Takes one to know one
I’m very surprised that anyone even responded to this comment. It was more to the OP that said “fuck AI” with zero evidence that it’s AI and doesn’t seem to understand how AI works.
In fact I found the original. Which looks near identical. I’m more convinced this is graphic art than AI.
That’s not what the word evidence means. That’s a guess. Because I actually did a reverse image search and saw the original. So it leans closer to graphic art. But hey, keep telling yourself you know better. I’m pulling for you.
Weird place to question someone saying the meaning is more important than the medium
So a guess and no evidence
Who cares? It’s a meme statement. It’s not using anyone’s likeness. Where is your proof that it’s AI and not graphic design?
Weird place to make this stand
Ahh. Ok. I like fatty grips. So I was on a different wavelength.
Why are we ignoring the diameter?
Isn’t it “ah” like Ænema?
My mom too. In fact I’m going to send this to her and then have an hour conversation about how she doesn’t get it.
Who the fuck cares? Reddit itself is not the pulse of anything. It’s niche. Lemmy is even more niche. I dig it around here but there is a whole other world out there.
Maybe if she did something really horrible on the scale of Jared from Subway or Michael Jackson it would change my mind. But suing a subreddit? Hardly moves the needle for me.
The comic is funny and how I judge her. What an artist does beyond their art isn’t always up for grabs.
Oh it’s why I bought a Chevy Bolt EUV. A way better car for less money. Teslas suck in the electric car world. They opened everyone’s eyes to the possibilities. But that’s it. It’s no longer the only option.
The fact that he is in fact a fucking moron leads me to believe he’s too stupid to actually do the proper salute accurately.
This seems possible but energy inefficiency. Cooking fish is really easy. Seems unnecessary.
As much as I respect your knowledge and analysis it isn’t simple enough. I should have said people need to be dying from the same thing. Where the root cause is the same, it can be dismissed. I thought COVID had a chance because it was nasty and killed a lot. But nope. Didn’t keep Trump out.
I am convinced people have to die for it to be big enough in the US. I’m not trying to be difficult or obtuse. I think with the state of things, it’s the only thing that is going to unify us enough to take to the streets and revolt together.
Some of us didn’t vote for it